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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                                                           February 21-24, 2024                                                            Louisville, Kentucky

                                 Interest Sessions
                                       est S
        The American Prize in performance and was invited to                 Music Matters:
        perform at NCCO and GMEA Conferences. While at       A Pedagogical Framework for Literature Selection
        GSU, Sengin received two university-wide awards for
        teaching and achievement. She recently participated as
        a Conducting Fellow with ACDA’s International Con-    Literature selection has been a robust discussion in
        ductor Exchange Program to Germany.                 our field because we understand its numerous influenc-
                                                            es on the success of choral organizations, particularly
                                                            the profound impact of repertoire choices on choral
                                                            singers’ musical growth. This interest session will pro-
                   May the Circle Be Unbroken:              vide a pedagogical framework for literature selection
         Restorative Practices in Your Performing Ensemble  that addresses three central components: 1) the edu-
                                                            cational benefits of exposing singers to a broad range
                                                            of musical styles; 2) sequencing repertoire to build on
           This session will introduce the idea of Restorative   singers’ competencies; and 3) the influence of diverse
        Practices and their uses within the rehearsal of a per-  literature choices on choral pedagogy.
        forming ensemble. Restorative Practices are based in
        empowering youth to have an equal voice and facilitat-          Jabarie Glass is the associate director of
        ing development of social emotional skill sets. Attend-         choral studies at the University of South
        ees will explore relationship creation and reparation,          Carolina,  where  he  conducts  Univer-
        and learn strategies such as community circle, journ-           sity Chorus and Gamecock Chorale and
        aling, check-ins, and guided classroom discussions  to          teaches undergraduate  and graduate
        facilitate a holistic approach that celebrates the student   courses  in  conducting and choral pedagogy. Choral
        as an individual in the  greater  musical community.   organizations under his leadership have been selected
        These practices are effective in unifying students with   to perform at Southern ACDA Region, Mississippi
        a diversity of experience, strengthening  the  sense of   ACDA, and the South Carolina MEA. Glass earned
        community in the ensemble.                          dual bachelor’s degrees in business management and
                                                            music  education  from  the University  of Mississippi,
                    Amanda Goldberg  is a  music educator   an MME from the Florida State University College of
                    passionate about using singing to develop   Music, and a doctoral degree in conducting from the
                    the whole person. She holds a BME from   University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre &
                    St.  Olaf College. Goldberg is presently   Dance.
                    the  assistant  director  of Concert  Choir
        for the  Girl Choir of South  Florida.  She  is  also the
        choral director at Wellington Landings Middle School
        in Wellington, FL, where she is piloting a program for              “No Hidin’ Place”
        restorative practices in Palm Beach County. She is hon-         Music by Black Composers
        ored to be the recipient of Palm Beach County’s 2022         for the Secondary Choral Setting
        Central Region Beginning Teacher of the Year.

                                                              In recent years there has been a resurgence of inter-
                                                            est in choral music by Black composers. Unfortunately,
                                                            much of this repertoire is beyond what most secondary
                                                            school choral ensembles can successfully  grasp. This
                                                            session will survey pieces by Black composers of the

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