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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

                         Forgotten Gems:                    something that should not be overlooked, as she incor-
             Little-Known Works in the Public Domain        porated the methods of Laban, Orff, and Kodaly in
                                                            schools before it was “hip” to do so. Insights from Nash
                                                            continue to spark the presenter’s lifelong interest in mu-
           As historical research advances, choruses are taking   sic education and the young singer.
        a greater interest in forgotten pieces of our choral his-
        tory. This presentation explores the under-represented          Thomas Blue conducts the Young Choral
        people and pieces of the Renaissance through Classi-            Artists of Michigan (YCAM) and teaches
        cal eras. Attendees will receive a resource database of         at Oakland Christian School following
        compositions and public domain scores for various lev-          retirement. His 7/8 Choir was selected to
        els and voicings. A balance of sacred vs secular and ac-        sing at the 2014 ACDA-MI Conference.
        companied vs unaccompanied works will be presented.   Choir collaborations  include Detroit Opera,  Detroit
        This session provides the opportunity to engage with   Chamber Winds, and Rochester (MI) Symphony. He
        historical literature in a new way, and shares resources   serves ACDA-MI as president-elect and as MS/JH rep-
        to program a variety of repertoire that adheres to state   resentative. He is published in Choral Journal and Chor-
        and national standards while championing under-per-  Teach, with presentations at ACDA Midwest Regional
        formed works.                                       and ACDA-MI conferences. He is an MSVMA adju-
                                                            dicator/clinician with degrees from Roberts Wesleyan
                    Angelica Dunsavage serves as assistant   University,  Michigan  State  University  and  (ABD)  in
                    professor and director  of choral  activi-  Mus. Ed. (choral cognate) from MSU.
                    ties at Tennessee State University, where
                    she conducts two ensembles and teaches
                    courses  in conducting She  received her
        DMA in choral conducting and music education from                Let Your Numbers Soar!
        University of Arizona, her MM in choral conducting     Recruitment Strategies for Choral Ensembles
        from Bowling Green State  University, and her BME
        from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dunsavage
        serves as chief editor of publications for NCCO. She   As choral directors, we are always exploring ways to
        has presented posters and interest sessions for NCCO,   recruit singers into our programs. Focusing on identify-
        ACDA, NAfME, and College Music Society conferenc-   ing and developing recruitment efforts that appeal to
        es, and regularly serves as a clinician for area schools.  the broader school community and at all musical levels,
                                                            this session will include strategies to make meaningful
                                                            connections to build and grow a choral program. In
                                                            addition to sharing recruitment strategies, the clinician
                   Grace Nash: Today With Music             will share ways  to establish  a culture of singing  and
                Using Music, Speech, and Movement           help new singers to discover their voice.
                  for Children’s Minds and Voices                       Jennifer Sengin is the  visiting assistant

                                                                        professor of choral  studies at  UMKC,
            This session  stems from the  presenter’s own case          where she leads the graduate choral con-
        study research into and use of Grace Nash’s approach-           ducting program and conducts the flag-
        es to musical understandings and the singing voices of          ship  ensemble, Conservatory Singers
        young children. The session will focus on lessons used   and Choral Union. Sengin most recently served as the
        in her book Today with Music and their implications and   associate director of choral activities at Georgia State
        use in the choral setting. Grace Nash’s frameworks are   University. Under her direction, the Treble Choir won

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