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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                Performing Choirs
                                P er f orming C  hoirs

                       University of Georgia                          Vocal Arts Ensemble of Durham
                         Hodgson Singers

           The  UGA  Hodgson  Singers  serves  as  the  flagship   The Vocal Arts Ensemble  of Durham provides
        ambassadorial choral ensemble of the Hugh Hodgson   performance opportunities  for  outstanding  singers in
        School of Music at the University of Georgia. Com-  North  Carolina’s Triangle  region  (Durham, Chapel
        prising many of UGA’s most gifted and dedicated sing-  Hill, and Raleigh). Its thirty-two members are selected
        ers, this ensemble provides vibrant, pre-professional en-  from among musicians who have sung in other choral
        semble training for the next generation of professional   groups under Dr. Wynkoop’s direction. VAE’s mostly a
        singers, choral music educators, and talented choral en-  cappella repertoire ranges from the Renaissance to the
        thusiasts. Membership in the UGA Hodgson Singers is   present and has included such diverse and challenging
        open to all UGA students. The choir has performed at   works as Tallis’s Spem in alium, Schoenberg’s Friede Auf
        ACDA Southern Region (2014, 2018, and 2024), and    Erden, Penderecki’s Agnus Dei, and MacMillan’s Cantos
        for the GMEA In-Service Conference (2012, 2017, and   Sagrados. VAE has performed at the 2005 ACDA Na-
        2023).                                              tional Conference and at five Southern Region confer-
                    Daniel Bara is  the  John  D. Boyd UGA
                    Foundation  Professor of Choral  Music              Rodney Wynkoop is the founding director
                    and the director of choral activities and           of the Vocal Arts Ensemble of Durham
                    professor of music  at  the  Hugh Hodg-             and has served as artistic director of the
                    son School  of Music  at  the University            Choral  Society  of Durham since 1986.
        of Georgia, where he oversees seven university choral           He recently left his position as director of
        ensembles as well  as the  graduate  choral  conducting   University Choral Music at Duke University, where he
        program. Bara is in demand as a guest conductor and   conducted the Duke Chapel Choir and the Duke Uni-
        clinician, having conducted all-state and honor choirs   versity Chorale for almost forty years. He has brought
        in twenty states and Carnegie Hall, and has served as   three of his choirs to perform at previous ACDA South-
        clinician for conferences sponsored by NAfME, ACDA,   ern Region conferences and has conducted at Carnegie
        AGO, and other school and church musical organiza-  Hall on several occasions. He is a recipient of Duke’s
        tions.  He is a past president of NC-ACDA. Bara holds   Meritorious Service Award for Executive Leadership
        a DMA from the Eastman School of Music, degrees     and the Lara Hoggard Award for Distinguished Ser-
        from the University of Michigan, and is a graduate of   vice in Choral Music in North Carolina.
        Interlochen Arts Academy.

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