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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

        past and present  that are appropriate  for the  forces,   Nashville Symphony Chorus, which has included cho-
        needs, and educational goals of most secondary choral   rus preparation for many of the repertoire’s most re-
        settings. An array of voicings will be represented, from   vered masterworks. He has conducted honor choirs in
        2-part to SATB with minimal divisi. The pedagogical   a dozen states and conducted residencies in the United
        and technical content of each piece will be highlighted.   Kingdom and China. Biddlecombe is a  graduate  of
        Attendees can expect to view and sing excerpts of these   SUNY Potsdam and the Florida State University.
        pieces in the session.
                                                                        Lauren Ramey is the associate director of
                    Christopher Leysath is director of choirs           choral activities and director of music ed-
                    at North Augusta High School in North               ucation at East Tennessee State Universi-
                    Augusta, South Carolina, where he leads             ty, where she conducts BucsWorth Tenor
                    three  choral  ensembles  and established           Bass Choir.  She  also  teaches  courses in
                    the group piano program. He holds de-   choral conducting and music education. Additionally,
        grees in choral music  education and piano from the   Ramey serves as the director of music at First Presby-
        University of South Carolina. Leysath has conducted   terian Church Johnson City. She was previously the di-
        honor choirs  in South  Carolina and Georgia, and   rector of choirs at Ravenwood High School, where the
        served as director of “Bound to Sing,” a pre-adoles-  Ravenwood Choirs performed at the 2019 Music For
        cent boy choir based in Aiken, SC. He also serves as   All-National Concert Festival and the 2017 and 2019
        choirmaster and organist at Grace United Methodist   Tennessee MEA Conferences. Ramey was a recipient
        Church in North Augusta. He has performed or pre-   of the CMA Music Teacher of Excellence Award and
        sented at numerous ACDA conferences, SCMEA con-     was a quarterfinalist for the Grammy Music Educator
        ferences, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and abroad.  Award.

                    Nobody Sits on the Bench:                           “Other Duties as Assigned”
           Cultivating Singer Agency in Community Choirs                 Beating Teacher Burnout

           Every singer has a role—some color the tone of the   Beating teacher burnout is vital to our professions
        section, some lead musically, and others help blend cer-  and our personal health. We will present findings from
        tain voices together that otherwise might never agree.   top researchers in music education, share lived experi-
        In this session, we will present a voice identification sys-  ences, and engagine in open discussion  and collabo-
        tem that can be used to verify to singers that they are   ration. This session will offer practical, active ideas to
        playing an important role no matter the size of their   help beat teacher burnout both inside and outside of
        voice. This session will also address pedagogical strate-  the classroom. Attendees will gain a toolkit of ideas to
        gies for adult singers of all ages, explore promoting self-  combat the feeling of burnout and an ongoing com-
        dignity through a fair and personal audition process,   munity to share future ideas and resources as we move
        and share ideas for keeping people singing longer.  forward in action!

                    Tucker Biddlecombe is associate profes-             Christina R. Vehar is a  music educator
                    sor and director of choral  activities  at          and advocate  based in metro-Atlanta,
                    Vanderbilt  University’s Blair School of            where she teaches at Cheatham Hill El-
                    Music,  where  he conducts  the Vander-             ementary. She received her MME from
                    bilt  Chorale  and coordinates the  music           the  Florida  State  University and her
        education program. He also serves as director of the   BME from Kennesaw State University. Vehar is pas-

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