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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                Honor Choir Conductors
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            Advanced SATB Honor Choir  (Grades 10-12)                    Youth SATB (Grades 7-9)

                    Sydney Guillaume’s compositions  are                Derrick Fox is the associate dean of grad-
                    known to  be  intricate, challenging, and           uate studies and creative endeavors and a
                    yet  highly  spirited.  His  compositions           professor of choral conducting at Michi-
                    have been performed around the world                gan State  University. Prior  to MSU, he
                    and featured at numerous  conferences               was the director of choral activities and
        and international festivals for ACDA, the World Choir   distinguished professor of music at the University of
        Games and Ireland’s Cork International Choral Festi-  Nebraska-Omaha  and assistant  professor of choral
        val. Originally from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Guillaume   music at Ithaca College. Fox has taught at the middle
        is currently residing in Portland, Oregon, working as   school, high school, and collegiate levels. His conduct-
        a full-time composer, conductor, and frequently doing   ing experiences have included singers from upper el-
        workshops on his music with university and high school   ementary  choirs  through collegiate  and community
        choirs throughout North America. Since 2013 he has   choirs. He was  awarded the 2021 Bryan R. Johnson
        been the conductor of Imbroglio Sextet, a group of   Service Award by the Nebraska Music Educators As-
        musicians from Haiti, Spain, Bolivia, and the United   sociation and the 2022 University of Nebraska Omaha
        States.                                             Award for Distinguished Research/Creative Activity.

            Advanced Treble Honor Choir (Grades 10-12)                   Youth Treble (Grades 4-6)

                    Kristina  Caswell  MacMullen serves as              Andrea Ramsey enjoys an international
                    the  Mary  Gibbs  Jones Chair of Music              presence as a composer, conductor, schol-
                    and Director of Choral Activities at Bay-           ar, and music  educator. Before  leaping
                    lor University. She conducts the Baylor A           into full-time composing and guest con-
                    Cappella  Choir, Chamber Singers, and               ducting, Ramsey held  positions at  The
        leads the graduate program in choral conducting. Prior   Ohio State University and the University of Colorado
        to her appointment at BU, MacMullen earned the Sir   Boulder,  respectively.  An award-winning composer
        William Osler Award at Ohio State University and the   with over 150 works to date, she believes strongly in
        President’s Special Recognition Award at the University   the creation of new music. A native of Arkansas, she
        of North Texas. As an active adjudicator and clinician,   has experienced in her own life the power of music to
        MacMullen has conducted all-state and honors choirs   provide a sense of community, better understanding of
        throughout the United States. MacMullen earned both   our humanity, and rich opportunities for self-discovery.
        her BME and MM degrees from Michigan State Uni-
        versity and a DMA at Texas Tech University. She sings
        with the professional ensemble Mirabai.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            85
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