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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                                                           February 21-24, 2024                                                            Louisville, Kentucky

                                In t er est S essions
                                Interest Sessions

                      Beyond The Wellerman:                                 Bridging the Gap:
            Engaging and Accessible Classical Repertoire    Fostering Productive and Collaborative Relationships
                for the Developing Tenor/Bass Choir                Between Teachers and Administration

           In this session, the clinicians will discuss the impor-   “My administration  is out  to  get  me.” “No one
        tance of historical repertoire that engages the emerging   cares about my program.” “Our admin micromanages
        tenor/bass singer  and demonstrate  pedagogy  that ef-  my program.” “My principals never heard a concert.”
        fectively develops voices through this literature. Teach-  “They just don’t get it.” These are phrases we have all
        ers will hear engaging examples from the Renaissance,   either heard or uttered during our careers, right? Be-
        Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras appropriate for   cause administrators are out to get us, right? WRONG!
        each level of tenor/bass choirs. The clinicians will also   (Well, hopefully… ha!) This unique session is meant to
        focus on the techniques used to prepare these historical   work through the many challenges that we face as they
        works and how this repertoire targets developing tone,   relate to building/district administration and pinpoint
        navigating changing voices, and understanding the   effective  strategies  and  solutions  to  overcoming  said
        classical sound. This session will illustrate how histori-  challenges. After all, both sides need each other. Better
        cal repertoire specifically can help get your tenor/bass   yet, our students need us…together!
        choir headed in the right direction.
                                                                        Kristin M. Claiborne is in her second year
                    Will Griswold is a DMA choral conduct-              as an assistant  administrator  and var-
                    ing student  at  Southern Mississippi  and          sity boys basketball coach at Blythewood
                    recently  finished  his  sixth  year  teaching      High School in South  Carolina.  Clai-
                    high school in Texas. Griswold grew his             borne is a graduate of the University of
                    program from five students to 100 and led   South Carolina, having earned both her bachelor’s and
        ensembles to superior ratings at performance festivals.   master’s degrees in music education and educational
        His Concert Choir performed at the 2022 Texas MEA   administration, respectively. Currently, she is pursuing
        Conference. While at USM, Griswold conducted Uni-   a doctorate in teacher leadership. Prior to administra-
        versity Singers, Tenebrae, Gulf Coast  Civic Chorale,   tion, Claiborne spent ten  years  as a choral director
        Chamber Singers, and will direct the inaugural season   with four choirs and a pop/jazz a cappella group. She
        of the Gulf Coast Youth Chorale.                    serves as a clinician, adjudicator, and lecturer around
                                                            the Southern Region while also serving as a university
                    Derek Meler is a versatile performer, con-  supervisor and teacher mentor.
                    ductor, and educator based in Hattiesburg,
                    Mississippi.  He  specializes in collabora-
                    tion  through music, working with choirs
                    and voice students to promote community         The Declaration of Independence:
        and peace. Meler has performed with various artists and   How to Foster Independent Musicianship
        symphonies, including the  Nashville Symphony  and
        Opera Mississippi, and has conducted choirs across the       in Large-Group Choral Rehearsals
        southern United States. He directs the Stamps-Baxter
        School of Music and teaches both in the classroom and   Choral rehearsals can be structured to allow sing-
        as a private voice teacher. He is pursuing his MM at the   ers to develop their personal, independent musician-
        University of Southern Mississippi.                 ship while participating in large group learning situa-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            77
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