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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                Interest Sessions
                                In t er est S essions

        repertoire, honoring diversified pedagogies and tech-  education for all and has presented regionally and in-
        niques. Participants will have a chance to workshop   ternationally on inclusive choral classrooms.
        and design the perfect warm-ups for their needs. Suit-
        able for all ages and abilities.

                    Jami Lercher (she/her) is assistant pro-             Who is in Charge Here?
                    fessor of choral music education at Bald-       Personal Leadership Development
                    win Wallace University, where she con-                 for the Conductor
                    ducts the BW Treble Choir and teaches
                    courses in choral methods, conducting,
        and vocal technique. She holds a BME from Iowa State   Conductors are leaders. They are responsible for
        University, an MM from the University of Wales, and   directing the collective musical will of an ensemble us-
        a DMA in choral conducting from the University of   ing whatever tactics are necessary to achieve success.
        Miami, Frost School of Music. Having spent fourteen   But where does a conductor learn the “tactics” that
        years in public schools, she is an advocate for music   would make them into a great leader? And did the
                                                            ends justify the means? This session will immerse par-
                                                            ticipants in a study of their own individual leadership
                                                            style. We will contextualize the conductor’s role using
                                                            contemporary leadership theories, engage  with self-
           Yale                                             reflective leadership development exercises to identify
                                                            personal values and skills, and use the results of these
                                                            exercises to discover how we can contend with leader-
           Find your voice with us                          ship challenges.

           Graduate Study in Choral Conducting at
           Yale Institute of Sacred Music and Yale School of Music      Matthew Abernathy is the  artistic  di-
                                                                        rector of the Master Chorale of Tampa
                                                                        Bay-Principal  Chorus of The  Florida
                                                                        Orchestra. Previously he was on staff at
                                                                        Minnesota Opera, most recently serving
                                                            as interim chorus director for the Opera’s professional
           Felicia Barber  Yale Camerata                    chorus and music director of Project Opera (the com-
           Jeffrey Douma  Yale glee Club and Choral artists  pany’s youth opera ensemble). Prior engagements in-
           David Hill  Yale sChola Cantorum                 clude chorus master for the Lakes Area Music Festival
           Masaaki Suzuki  Yale sChola Cantorum
                                                            and assistant  conductor for  Minnesota Chorale. He
                                                            holds degrees from SUNY Potsdam-Crane School of
           degrees offered
           Master of Music / Master of Musical Arts / Doctor of Musical Arts  Music, the University of Michigan, and the University
                                                            of Minnesota.
           Full tuition scholarships and merit stipends for all admitted students, plus
           additional conducting assistantships available. Abundant musical and inter-
           disciplinary opportunities. Ample podium time.

           Office of Admissions
           Yale Institute of Sacred Music, 406 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511
           tel 203.432.9753

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