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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

                    in Greenville, NC. He is also the artistic         The Transcendent Experience:
                    director and concert choir conductor for          Creating Culture and Meaning
                    the Greenville Choral Society. Previously,
                    Roby served as a professor of music in the         in Performance and Worship
                    areas of church music, choral music, and
        vocal studies at Asbury College, Shorter College, and   Uplifting, meaningful  choral  performances come
        Union University. For fifteen years, he taught courses   from groups with strong ensemble culture that are also
        in the foundations and practice of Christian worship   deeply connected to the culture around them. This in-
        in the Schools of Divinity of Gardner-Webb Univer-  terest session  will describe the Technique of Culture
        sity and Campbell University. He is a past president of   Creation as developed by Artefact Institute. Our panel
        North Carolina ACDA.                                of acclaimed choral artists will then discuss how to en-
                                                            rich aspects of choral performances in worship: lyricist
                                                            Tony Silvestri on storytelling and text, Chanticleer Ar-
                                                            tistic Director Tim Keeler on ensemble and audience
                    Towards a Holistic Approach             building, and composer and conductor Benedict Shee-

                    for Neurodivergent Learners             han on ritual. Our panel will share valuable tools for
                      in the Choral Classroom               creating meaningful performances  that attendees  can
                                                            use in their own work.
           There is a wealth of literature in the fields of mu-
        sic  education, music  therapy, and psychology regard-  Tim Keeler will be a clinician for this session. His photo
        ing neurodivergent people, but next to no pedagogical   and bio are on page 63.
        material relating to large-group practices, particularly
        within the choral rehearsal. Many, if not most, choir di-  Benedict Sheehan will be a clinician for this session.
        rectors will encounter neurodivergent students in their   His photo and bio are on page 65.
        programs at some point and will likely not know which
        strategies effectively include their neurodivergent learn-  Talia Sheehan will be a clinician for this session. His
        ers in their classrooms. This session presents existing re-  photo and bio are on page 67.
        search and offers rehearsal techniques, classroom man-
        agement  strategies, and repertoire recommendations  Charles Anthony Silvestri will be a clinician for this ses-
        for high school choir directors to feel prepared to give   sion. His photo and bio are on page 67.
        all students a holistic and equitable learning experience.

                    Peter Allen Haley recently completed his
                    DMA in conducting at the University of              Turning Choral Warm-Ups
                    South Carolina. He previously spent sev-                  Upside Down
                    en years teaching high school chorus in
                    North Carolina. He has held leadership
        roles on the  executive  board of the  Presbyterian  As-  Choral conductors often bemoan warm-ups, longing
        sociation of Musicians and the 2020 and 2022 ACDA   for new material to enhance old tricks. In this interac-
        Southern Region Conferences. He holds degrees  in   tive session, learn how to design choral warm-ups that
        music and church music from Wingate University and   increase retention and connection with the music. By
        Samford University. He has the honor of being the sec-  exploring modes, intervals, rhythms, and styles, an en-
        ond-best teacher in his house, behind his wife, Ashley,   semble can maximize the first notes of a rehearsal and
        and is a proud parent to Patrick and Libby Kay.     seamlessly  transition  into reading and making  music.
                                                            Learn  to sing  smarter  by  reinforcing  concepts in  the

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