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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                                                           February 21-24, 2024                                                             Louisville, Kentucky

                                Interest Sessions
                                       est S
        sionate about celebrating diversity, work in accessibil-  earned her BM from Miami (OH) University. At USC,
        ity, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and restora-  Stahr was associate conductor of Oriana, served on the
        tion, cross-curricular connections, and using music as   USC Thornton Student Council, and was director of
        a means for humanity and bringing people together.   the South Bay Children’s Choir. She has participated
        She regularly advocates for people and music and is an   in the ACDA Eastern Conducting Masterclass and pre-
        active presenter, adjudicator, clinician, and conductor.  sented at the World Symposium on Choral Music.

                    Sierra R. Manson is the director of cho-            McKenna Stenson has built a career in-
                    ral  activities  at  Hillgrove  High  School        spiring students to sing with confidence
                    in Cobb County, GA. Previously, she                 and motivating communities to  create
                    served as a choral director in both Fulton          lasting change through song. Stenson is
                    County and Henry County. She received               an assistant professor  on faculty at the
        her MME from the Florida State University and her   University of Kansas (KU), where she serves as associ-
        BME from Kennesaw State University. She is passion-  ate director of choral activities and conducts the KU
        ate about advocacy in the classroom, as well as mental   Glee Club and Oread Singers. In addition to leading
        health in both students and educators, and the power   ensembles, Stenson teaches classes in choral methods
        of music in bringing people together.               and undergraduate and graduate conducting, She en-
                                                            joys serving as a guest conductor, clinician, presenter,
                                                            and  adjudicator  for  choirs throughout  the  United
                       Reverse the Decline:                 States and abroad.

                    Amplifying and Sustaining
                  Women’s Voices in Conducting                           The Song of the Church

           Our choral  community has  work to do to create             and Congregational Identity
        more equitable  musical spaces that  celebrate, sup-
        port,  and cultivate  women’s leadership on the  podi-  Church musicians and pastors who are responsible
        um. Join us as we share our findings from our podcast   for selecting the hymns and songs sung by a congrega-
        conduct(her), lift the successes of women conductors   tion in worship settings are not simply enabling shared
        across the globe, and provide resources. Together we   liturgical expressions, they are shaping the congrega-
        will develop a musical ecosystem that is more inclusive   tion’s sense of identity through those sung expressions.
        of women scholars, composers, conductors, and teach-  This interest session will explore some of the theologi-
        ers who are contributing to the field. Participants will   cal, philosophical, and practical foundations of the rela-
        walk away from this session with ideas to build more in-  tionships between congregational singing and identity.
        clusive space within our choral landscape and celebrate   Using video/audio excerpts of worshiping congrega-
        the impact of women choral directors.               tions from differing traditions, the ways in which core
                                                            congregational  identity  is expressed through singing
                    Kyra Stahr is a DMA candidate in cho-   will be seen and heard. We will highlight challenges re-
                    ral  conducting at University  of Miami   lated to selecting the sung expressions of the congrega-
                    Frost School of Music and the associate   tion.
                    director of the Master Chorale of South
                    Florida. She completed her MM in cho-   Andrew Roby serves as a leader in the areas of music
        ral music from University of Southern California and   and worship arts with The Memorial Baptist Church

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