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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                                                           February 21-24, 2024                                                            Louisville, Kentucky

                                Interest Sessions
                                In t er est S essions

        tions. Techniques covered in this session will include          Beth Gibbs is director  of choral  studies
        rehearsal pedagogy that  includes small group analy-            at Florida Southern College in Lakeland,
        zation, warm-up activities, and Dalcroze eurythmics.            FL.  In  addition  to  choral  direction,  she
        This session will allow for participation from all will-        teaches conducting, choral pedagogy, ca-
        ing participants  in music reading, music analyzing,            ribbean  music, and music and wellness.
        response through movement, quick and strong sight-  She earned a DMA in choral conducting from the Uni-
        reading techniques, and how  to structure mixed for-  versity of Miami, MM degrees in choral conducting
        mation through scaffolding to ensure success for each   and vocal performance from East Carolina University,
        singer. Students deserve to gain lifelong skills for sing-  and a BME from Stetson University. Gibbs taught six
        ing. Come refresh your pedagogy and consider how to   years at the high school level in Atlanta, GA. In 2022,
        foster strong and independent musicians!            she became a Fulbright Scholar, teaching and working
                                                            with choirs throughout Spain.
                    Jill Campbell serves as an assistant pro-
                    fessor  of vocal music  at Eastern  Ken-
                    tucky University and teaches music edu-
                    cation classes, directs the treble choir, and             Flexible Fach:
                    works with vocal jazz groups. She vocal          Gender-Affirming Vocal Pedagogy
        coaches for musicals and also supervises student teach-
        ers. Campbell is the assistant director for the Kentucky    through Science-Informed Practices
        Bach Choir. She is the past president for the KY ACDA
        chapter and is the state music research chair for Ken-  In this interactive session, attendees will be invited
        tucky MEA. She taught elementary and secondary mu-  to sing and discuss vocal exercises from a new proto-
        sic and has worked in community and church music.   col developed  by the  presenter  that focuses  on help-
        A frequent clinician and adjudicator, she also presents   ing  transgender  and  gender-expansive  (TGE)  singers
        workshops regularly around the country.             produce an aural aesthetic that better aligns with their
                                                            gender identity. Created through an understanding of
                                                            the gendered associations and vocal characteristics of
                                                            common fach categories and voice classifications, this
                  Discovering the Basque Country:           protocol  synthesizes  practices  from  gender-affirming
           Composers and Repertoire from Northern Spain     speech-language  pathology  (SLP)  with  source-filter
                                                            theory and science-informed vocal pedagogy to present

           Presenting the rich choral traditions of the Basque   a healthy, gender-affirming practice routine for TGE
        Country in Northern Spain, this session will familiarize   singers who are seeking to masculinize or feminize their
        attendees with contemporary Basque composers, and   voices.
        show that the music of these men and women is acces-
        sible, varied, and a wonderful way to introduce a dif-  Stevie J. Hirner will be the clinician for this session.
        ferent culture to your choirs. Alongside an introduction   Her photo and bio are on page 23.
        to the region’s history, repertoire will be presented that
        varies in language (Basque, Spanish, and Latin), theme,
        voicing, and difficulty, ensuring that directors of choirs
        of all ages, types, and abilities will find something they
        can share with their singers and communities. Join me
        for a journey into this exciting repertoire!

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