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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

                         Rivertree Singers                                River Bluff High School
                                                                                Bel Canto

           Founded in 2010, Rivertree  Singers members are
        alumni of collegiate choral organizations who desire to   Bel Canto is one of six ensembles in the River Bluff
        delight and inspire arts communities across the globe.   High School choral  program.  The  choir is composed
        By giving voice to the human experience through pas-  of advanced treble voices in the ninth through twelfth
        sionate choral artistry, the singers build connections with   grades and consistently earns superior with distinction
        audiences, arts organizations, schools, and emerging and   ratings at the South Carolina Choral Performance As-
        established composers. What began as a small group of   sessment and at choral festivals throughout the south-
        singers desiring an artistic outlet has grown into an in-  east. Bel Canto members routinely earn selection to dis-
        ternationally recognized and award-winning community   trict and state honor choirs and most recently performed
        arts organization of musicians, teachers, and profession-  in the Memorial Day Festival Chorus in the John F. Ken-
        als. In addition to invited performances, Rivertree Sing-  nedy Center for the Performing Arts. River Bluff High
        ers offers four concerts each season and hosts the River-  School’s Bel Canto is highly honored to represent their
        tree Singers & Friends Choral Festival every summer.  school, district, and state in their first regional ACDA
                                                                        conference performance.
                     Warren Cook is founder  of Rivertree
                    Singers and retired professor and DCA at            Heather Wilcox is  director  of choirs  at
                    Bob Jones University, where he oversaw a            River  Bluff  High  School  in  Lexington,
                    graded  program  of  five  choirs  enrolling        South  Carolina.  She  is lead  teacher  for
                    nearly three hundred students. His choirs           secondary choral music for the Lexington
        have been  auditioned  performers at  international  and   One School District and Vocal Jazz and Contemporary
        national events. Each summer, Cook conducts the Ri-  Commercial Chair for the South Carolina Choral Di-
        vertree Singers & Friends Choral Festival, which recently   rectors Association. Wilcox has served  as clinician for
        included Robert Shaw’s late contribution to the choral   honor choirs  and artistically  gifted  choral  intensives
        repertory, an unpublished English edition  of Brahm’s   across South Carolina. Her choirs have performed for
        German  Requiem. Under  Cook’s leadership, Rivertree   the  South Carolina ACDA and the  South  Carolina
        Singers won the Oxford University Press Avent Com-  MEA and consistently earn superior ratings at state, re-
        petition grand prize. In 2019, Cook was honored with   gional, and national choral festivals. She holds a bach-
        South Carolina ACDA’s first-ever Lifetime Achievement   elor’s degree in music education and a master’s degree
        Award.                                              in conducting from Winthrop University.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            75
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