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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

        pedagogy intersect. Advocacy is a centerpiece of her   in mobilizing an effective environmentalist movement
        community building. Other areas of research include   within the field and strategies for achieving a syner-
        silenced voices in music history, choral works of Rus-  gistic course of action. With hundreds of thousands
        sian composer Sergei Taneyev, early choral works of   of singers  participating in  choral music  worldwide,
        Johannes Brahms, life and works of Barbara Strozzi,   a  coordinated  campaign  to  address climate  change
        and music education advocacy. In addition to conduct-  through singing could produce a powerful forum for
        ing and scholarly activities, she enjoys singing, playing   conversation, education, and action.
        piano, collaborating with others, running, and going to
        baseball games.                                                 Kirsten Hedegaard has enjoyed a varied
                                                                        career as a singer and conductor. Cur-
                    Nathan Edwards is a  professor, award-              rently director of choral and vocal activ-
                    winning sound engineer, and music cre-              ities at Loyola University Chicago, He-
                    ator from Wisconsin. He is the director             degaard is also artistic director of Voices
                    of audio production at the University   of Madonna and Bella Voce Camerata. As a singer,
                    of Wisconsin  Oshkosh  and previously   she has appeared with ensembles across the country.
        served as assistant professor of audio technology in the   As co-founder of The EcoVoice Project and artistic
        digital arts and design program at Dakota State Uni-  director  of the New Earth  Ensemble, Hedegaard is
        versity in South Dakota. His musical work has been fea-  dedicated  to  bringing  together  musicians  to  explore
        tured on MLB Network, WWE Network, CTV Televi-      how the arts can support environmental action.
        sion Network, American Public Media, Oprah Winfrey
        Network, and on popular podcasts and YouTube chan-
        nels. He has had audio/visual work featured in numer-
        ous museums and art centers, as well as at conferences   Experiences of Gender Nonconforming Students
        including the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music Na-
        tional Conference and Electronic Music Midwest.                  in the Choral Classroom

                                                              The goal of this session is to give current and pre-
                                                            service music  educators  recommendations for the
                        Eco-Choral Music:                   creation of safe learning environments from the per-
                     Mobilizing the Choral Art              spectives of gender nonconforming  choral students

                    for Environmental Activism              and their  teachers. Traditionally, biological  sex has
                                                            contributed  to  choices that  choir teachers make re-
                                                            garding  students’  voice  part  identification,  uniform,
           In the Western choral tradition,  there  has recent-  repertoire, ensemble names, and more. People who do
        ly been  a growing trend to  address important  social   not express their gender in a way that matches their
        concerns  through new compositions  and innovative   biological sex are known  as  gender  nonconforming.
        programming. One of the subgenres of this  socially   This presentation will outline existing research on the
        conscious repertoire is music that focuses on environ-  experiences of choir students who identify as transgen-
        mentalism and the growing anxiety regarding climate   der, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming, provide ex-
        change. This presentation will address recent activity   amples of vocal exercises appropriate for trans voices,
        in the eco-choral genre, including new compositions,   video interviews from gender nonconforming choral
        grassroots movements in the U.S., and current socio-  students, and steps educators can take to ensure they
        logical and psychological research related to the topic.   are creating a safe, welcoming choral learning space
        Musical examples  from recent  compositions  will  be   for all students.
        shared. A case will be made for choral music’s utility

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            51
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