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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                  Interest Sessions
                                  In t er est S essions

        rale. 29:11 International  Exchange is  a professional
        music ministry from South Africa. The ensemble has                Sounds Before Sight:
        been a featured collaborator with the Minnesota Or-          Sight-Reading with Voice Quality
        chestra on each of 29:11’s last three U.S. tours.
                                                              Research suggests that better sight-readers tend to be
                    Carl Clomon is the music director for the   better performers. Yet few research studies have inves-
                    Amazing Grace Chorus and minister of    tigated the effect of voice quality training on pitch ac-
                    music  at Mt. Olivet  Missionary  Baptist   curacy, intonation, and expressive sight-singing scores.
                    Church. He composes pop, R&B, classi-   This workshop will explore the commonly assessed cat-
                    cal, and jazz tunes, specializing in gospel   egories of sight-singing and integrate a “sounds first”
        music. He has produced concerts at Twin Cities major   perspective using the principles of Estill Voice Train-
        venues, has performed as a keyboardist with national   ing. These categories  include rhythm,  tempo, pitch,
        and international recording artists, and has led music   tone, intonation, and expression  (including phrasing,
        clinics and workshops locally. He chaired the board of   articulation, and dynamics). We will answer questions
        directors for Gospel Choirs United for over twenty-five   about sequence of instruction and how many elements
        years. Clomon completed a music composition major   to focus on at one time and will also discuss strategies to
        at Concordia University, St. Paul, in 2023 and is pursu-  teach students how to analyze a score before sight-sing-
        ing a master of business administration from the Uni-  ing. Participants will actively engage in a sight-singing
        versity of St. Thomas.                              activity and label their attractor state habits.

                                                            Brian J. Winnie will be the clinician for this session. His
               Singing Makes the World Go ‘Round:           photo and bio are on page 47.

                      A Relational Pedagogy

          This session will use singing and interactive elements         The Virtuoso Conductor:
        to invite participants to consider a pedagogy of rela-            Solutions for the Most
        tionships that fosters belonging, awakens artistry, em-
        powers creativity, affirms identities, and creates a space   Challenging Conducting Problems
        for courageous singing that seeks to bridge across differ-
        ences. Members of the VocalEssence Singers Of This    This session is a deep dive into the most challeng-
        Age (SOTA) will share how the “family” has shaped   ing conducting problems and practical  solutions so
        their lives in ways both expected and unexpected. Four   our gestures are clear and artistically communicate the
        SOTA case studies will provide a framework for em-  composer’s intent. Using excerpts from the repertoire,
        bracing transformational relationships that nurture the   Frank  Eychaner  will  identify  specific  challenges  and
        development of diverse choral communities, and pro-  then lead participants to effectively conduct the music
        vide more compelling musical experiences for our sing-  themselves. Some topics to be addressed will include
        ers, our communities, and ourselves.                the four types of fermatas, tempo changes, utilizing dry
                                                            beats and beats of de-emphasis to effectively commu-
        G Phillip Shoultz III will be the clinician for this session.   nicate the artistry of a work, achieving an independent
        His photo and bio are on page 46.                   left hand and its essential role in artistry, understand-
                                                            ing how publishers use notation to reveal the compos-
                                                            er‘s intent, effectively conducting asymmetrical meter,

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