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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

        choral music, connecting to what the average listener           Adam Zrust is director of choral studies
        already knows, and creating an interactive experience           and assistant professor of choral  music
        that hooks listeners before they hear the concert in its        education at  Northwest  Missouri State
        entirety. Attendees will act as a sample audience and           University. He maintains an active sched-
        will leave this session with a collection of interactive        ule conducting honor choirs and is fre-
        concert activities, games, and unique concert formats   quently invited to present at various conferences across
        for different types of choral pieces.               the United States and abroad. Zrust’s scholarly exper-
                                                            tise is grounded in rehearsal efficiency. Zrust earned a
                    Lindsey Bruner Woodcock is director of   PhD and MME in choral conducting and music edu-
                    choral activities and coordinator of mu-  cation from the Florida State University and holds de-
                    sic education at Meredith College in Ra-  grees in music business and music education from the
                    leigh, North Carolina. She directs three   University of Nebraska-Kearney.
                    choral  ensembles and teaches conduct-
        ing, secondary choral methods, and elementary music             Will Alderman serves as the professor of
        methods. Bruner  Woodcock  holds degrees  from the              percussion  and music theory at  North-
        University of Georgia, University of Iowa, and Iowa             west Missouri State University. An avid
        State University. As a singer and double bassist, she has       performer and composer, Alderman has
        immersed herself in community music making and has              toured and premiered works in a variety
        held leadership roles in numerous civic music organi-  of mediums  worldwide. Currently, he performs  with
        zations. Her doctoral research is focused on audience   his quartet, Without Borders, which has recorded and
        engagement and the ways in which interactive perfor-  released its own marimba quartet transcription of Béla
        mances can enhance the concert experience.          Bartok’s  String  Quartet No. 5. The ensemble has  per-
                                                            formed the work in Taiwan, Japan, and throughout the
                                                            United States.

                        Joy in the Groove:
                      Percussion Techniques
                     for the Choral Conductor                              Mind, Body, Voice:
                                                                      Boosting Choristers’ Potential

           Adding percussion instruments into  a  choral  re-         through Body-Mind Warm-Ups
        hearsal can quickly rejuvenate our repertoire and spark
        great  joy in our  singers.  While  many contemporary   Choir singing  requires energy, engagement,  and
        choral composers write music with percussion accom-  readiness. To achieve the full potential of expression,
        paniment, often “ad lib” is the only instruction. Wheth-  vocal technique, and musicality, singers and conductors
        er you are playing the part yourself or helping students   must train their bodies and minds as they train their
        find success, playing technique can drastically augment   voices and music. This interactive and practical session
        or diminish a performance. This hands-on session will   will provide conductors and teachers of any choir level
        provide playing techniques for all levels of experience,   with a systematic approach to body and mind engage-
        sample repertoire from across the globe, survey a wide   ment in warm-ups and rehearsals, rooted in the Alexan-
        variety of Western and non-Western percussion instru-  der Technique, Yoga, Tai Chi, and workout sequences.
        ments, and explore substitutions when instruments are   Each activity will  accompany  a science-based expla-
        not readily  available. Participants  will leave  inspired   nation of how physical exercises can impact students’
        and more confident to incorporate percussion into re-  ability to engage, focus, improve their vocal technique,
        hearsals and performance.                           enhance body presence, and build a strong community

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            53
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