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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                  Interest Sessions
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        prehensive  choral  program.  Prior  to  her  appointment           Breaking the Ice:
        at UW-Madison, Farah served as the associate director          Building Respectful Culture
        of choral activities at the University of Kansas. Choirs
        under her leadership have successfully performed at the            in the Choral Program
        Missouri, Kansas, and Wisconsin MEA conventions and
        at the 2008 and 2018 Southwestern ACDA Conferences.   Since ensemble music making is inherently project-
        In addition to her work at UW-Madison, Farah is often  based, it is essential for students to operate healthily as
        sought out for her expertise in Brazilian choral music.  a team as they reach their common goals. Team build-
        She has presented papers at NAfME and ACDA conven-  ing in retreats as well as in class time will ensure that
        tions and has served as the president-elect for SWACDA.  students work  together  respectfully. These enjoyable
                                                            activities are pivotal to instructional needs because of
                    Liz Olson is in the second year of doctoral  their correlation to the National Core Arts Standards
                    studies in choral conducting from the Uni-  and  National  Institute  for  Excellence  in Teaching
                    versity of Wisconsin-Madison, where she  Rubric. In this presentation, attendees will engage in
                    was  awarded the  University  Fellowship  various team-building activities designed to build com-
                    and serves as a choral teaching assistant.  munity, create  a healthy  environment and respectful
        At UW-Madison, Olson is the director of the Advanced  culture, and pave the way for student ownership in the
        Treble Choir, co-directs the University Chorus, and is  choral ensemble.
        Dr. Mariana  Farah’s research assistant. She  presented
        her research on gender bias in choral music on a panel  Matthew Myers will be a clinician for this session. His
        during the 2023 ACDA National Conference. She has  photo and bio are on page 20.
        earned degrees from the University of South Carolina
        and the University of Colorado Boulder.                         Sara Bray is in her  seventh year  as the
                                                                        choral director at St. Amant High School
                    Sam Speer is a second-year DMA student              in Ascension  Parish, Louisiana. She  re-
                    in choral conducting at the University of           ceived her bachelor’s from the University
                    Wisconsin–Madison, where he is the con-             of South Dakota and her master’s in cho-
                    ductor  of the  University Chorus and is  ral conducting from the University of North Dakota.
                    also the TA for Chorale. A native of the  Bray serves as the high school coordinator for the Dis-
        Rockies, Speer  earned  his MM and BM at  Brigham  trict IV Choral Directors Association, where she orga-
        Young University, where  he conducted the  University  nizes the Louisiana MEA round one auditions and the
        Chorale  and taught  conducting  and sight-singing. He  District IV Honor Choir. She is an active performer,
        also sang baritone with the Madeleine Cathedral Choir  singing soprano with the Baton Rouge Artists of Cho-
        in Salt Lake and was company manager for the Santa Fe  ral Excellence and performing on stage with Ascension
        Desert Chorale.                                     Community Theatre. She has also music directed stage
                                                            productions with ACT and the St. Amant High School

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