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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                    Raising Up the Treble Choir             studies at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Scheep-
                                                            ers has worked as guest conductor and clinician for var-
           Treble  choirs  play  a vital role  in our choral com-  ious high schools and festivals across the United States,
        munity but often hold a middle role in our choral pro-  Europe, and South Africa. He is also sought after inter-
        grams. In this session,  we’ll  explore  the  treble  choir   nationally as an external examiner of master and doc-
        from multiple  angles—equitable  structure  and role,   toral dissertations in choral music. Recent professional
        strength of community, and diversity of sound—and   engagements  include presenting at the International
        seek to expand the parameters and potential of mod-  Conference on Arts and Humanities (IICAH) in 2023
        ern treble ensembles. A central component will be a   in Honolulu, HI.
        participatory exploration  of  healthy “brassy”  and
        “lofted” timbres that can open up a palette of tone and
        expression to use across widely diverse repertoire. The
        Cantamus  ensemble  from Iowa State  University  will      A Rondo Reconciliation and Renewal:
        demonstrate distinct vocal timbres. Student leaders will      A Black History Month Concert
        present on the ensemble’s community and culture, in-
        cluding an alum who conducted research observing the    of Connection, Healing, and Transformation
        social dynamics, leadership, and practical functioning
        of the choir.                                         As choral artists and educators, we are called to re-
                                                            spond to the recent issues of racial injustice and vio-
        Jennifer Rodgers will be the clinician for this session.   lence, yet doing so can be fraught with conflict and con-
        Her photo and bio are on page 41.                   troversy. This session shares a process of how groups
                                                            of musicians  from within and beyond the  Rondo
                                                            neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota, came together
                                                            to jointly heal. Activities included service projects, art-
                    Rejoicing in O\ur Diversity:            ist/social activist panel discussions, and a community
           Teaching Traditional South African Choral Music  supper with facilitated table dialogue. The collabora-
                                                            tion grew out of relationships built over the years be-
                                                            tween Concordia University, St. Paul’s music program,
           This session will give an overview of the traditional   Walker|West  Music  Academy (a  community music
        languages found in South Africa and how to prepare   school uplifting Black musical culture), Mt. Olivet Mis-
        to teach traditional South African choral music to your   sionary Baptist  Church (a  prominent Rondo Black
        choir. The presenter will focus on authenticity, the im-  church), 29:11 International Exchange from South Af-
        portance  of textual  research, appropriate  choreogra-  rica, NUNNABOVE, and other area partners.
        phy, and authentic inclusion of percussive accompani-
        ment. Some attention will be given to clarifying social,        David Mennicke has  been  Concordia
        political, and religious contexts of six to eight selected      University, St.  Paul director  of choral
        pieces. The presenter will also cover the pronunciation         studies since 1989, with degrees from St.
        of  the  most common clicks,  unique  consonants,  and          Olaf College and the University of Ari-
        other unusual sounds. The attendees will sing through           zona. He has conducted 300+ festivals/
        sections and practice pronunciation with the presenter.   guest choirs in the U.S., MidEast, Europe, and Afri-
                                                            ca, including: ACDA-MN All-State Children’s Choir,
                    Gerrit Scheepers, director of choirs and   MMEA  All-State  Tenor/Bass  Choir, Lutheran  Sum-
                    assistant professor of music at South Da-  mer Music, National Lutheran Choir. He was in the
                    kota Mines, hails from South Africa. He   Grammy-winning Oregon Bach Festival Chorus and is
                    previously  served  as director  of choral   currently a tenor section leader in the Minnesota Cho-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            55
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