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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                   Interest Sessions
                                         est S
        in the classroom. In addition, this session will provide   coursework.  Bertram’s  ensembles frequently  perform
        alternative exercises to promote inclusive practice.  throughout the United States and abroad. She has col-
                                                            laborated with groups such as ASTER Women’s Cho-
                    Letícia Grützmann’s career as a conduc-  rus, Nordkor Children’s Choir, and Una Vocis Choral
                    tor, singer, and active  clinician spans   Ensemble. An active clinician, adjudicator, and scholar,
                    over fifteen years. As a Brazilian artist,   her research “Utilizing the Principles of Storytelling to
                    she has performed in Europe and North   Create Engaging Concert Programs” was featured in
                    and South  America. In 2023, Grüt-      the Choral Journal (2021). She holds degrees from Uni-
        zmann was appointed the assistant professor, director   versity of Colorado Boulder, Ithaca College, and Con-
        of choral activities at the Saginaw Valley State Uni-  cordia College.
        versity, Michigan. She conducts the Cardinal Singers
        and the Concert Choir and teaches conducting and
        voice area classes. Her research is dedicated to devel-
        oping mind-body-based techniques  for choirs  since                Nosotres Existimos:
        she incorporated  the Alexander Technique  into  her     Mexican Choral Repertoire and Resources
        teaching philosophy.

                                                              The goal of Nosotres Existimos is inclusion and be-
                                                            longing for the choral conductor’s students and com-
                                                            munity through programming. This  session’s  infor-
                          Mirror, Mirror                    mation on Mexican repertoire and resources through

                                                            handouts and websites  will  connect our  growing
           Ensemble conductors often feel as though we are   Chicano/a/e student population to this large body of
        racing against the clock, constantly attempting to bal-  music.  By the  end, attendees  will have more insight
        ance the needs of our students, administrators, com-  on Mexican choral music history, know where to find
        munity, colleagues, and ourselves. Often, in an effort   Mexican and indigenous repertoire, and have access to
        to “save time,” conductors develop habits that unin-  resources to lead  culturally  responsive performances.
        tentionally work against our best efforts for efficient   Using this session’s offerings, participants can generate
        and effective rehearsals. Drawing on her experience as   deeper belonging amongst their students and commu-
        a classroom teacher, ensemble conductor, and student   nity, share unheard voices, and continue to build com-
        teacher supervisor, Emilie Bertram will offer observa-  munity through music.
        tions of common problems that may not be working in
        your favor, as well as tips to address the issue. This ses-  Raul Dominguez will be the clinician for this session.
        sion is primarily aimed at teachers who are five years   His photo and bio are on page 25.
        or less into their journey, but also offers opportunity
        for all conductors to reflect on their teaching behav-

                    Emilie Bertram serves as DCA, depart-
                    ment  chair, and assistant professor at
                    Waldorf University,  where  she  directs
                    the  Waldorf Choir, Schola Cantorum,
                    and teaches conducting and methods

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