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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                     Western Illinois University            receive talent  grant  awards. This  award-winning en-
                         University Singers                 semble presents six major concerts each year, including
                                                            a student choral conductor’s concert and a yearly mas-
                                                            terworks concert with the WIU Symphony Orchestra.
                                                            The University Singers won the 2021 American Prize
                                                            Ernst Bacon Memorial Award for the Performance of
                                                            American Music (College/University Division).

                                                                        Brian J. Winnie, DMA, is the director of
                                                                        choral  studies at  Western Illinois Uni-
                                                                        versity, where  he supervises  the  gradu-
                                                                        ate choral conducting program; teaches
                                                                        courses  in graduate  and undergraduate
                                                            choral  conducting,  pedagogy,  and  literature  courses;
                                                            and conducts the University Singers, Chamber Sing-
                                                            ers, and Treble  Choir. He has  worked with festival
                                                            choirs throughout the United States and presented at
           The Western Illinois University Singers is the “flag-  international and national conferences on the topics of
         ship,” auditioned choral ensemble at WIU. University   choral pedagogy, gesture, and voice training in the cho-
         Singers performs diverse repertoire from Renaissance   ral rehearsal. He is also an Estill Mentor and Course
         to contemporary commercial music with special focus   Instructor and Master Trainer of Estill Voice Training.
         on versatility and authenticity of voice quality. Mem-  He is the editor and contributing author to The Voice
         bership is open to all university students, most of whom   Teacher’s Cookbook and The Choral Conductor’s Companion.

                                   2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                    In t er est S essions
                                    Interest Sessions

                   Beyond Repertoire Selection:             growth should remain a core value for literature selec-
                     Reimagining Your Whys                  tion, the need to find text and music that help students
                                                            connect emotionally and socially has never felt greater.
                                                            Conductors will be invited to reimagine new “whys” in
           This session will focus on how repertoire selection   their search for music that speaks to broader program-
        can help choirs advance goals that go beyond musical   matic  needs  and help  students  rebuild  their  ability  to
        standards. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, conduc-  connect and form meaningful relationships.
        tors  and music teachers  of all  grade  levels have re-
        ported new challenges in rebuilding their choral pro-           Mariana Farah is  the director of choral
        grams and helping their singers engage and connect              activities at UW-Madison, where she con-
        in a group setting. This session will propose strategies        ducts the Concert  Choir, Treble  Choir,
        for repertoire selection that will help conductors reflect      teaches courses in graduate  choral  con-
        on broader goals and choirs rejuvenate. While musical           ducting, and oversees all aspects of a com-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            47
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