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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                   Performing Choirs
                                        orming C
                           VocalEssence                                     Wartburg College
                                                                          St. Elizabeth Chorale

           The VocalEssence Chorus is a group of talented and   The Wartburg College  St.  Elizabeth  Chorale  is  a
        enthusiastic singers from many different walks of life,   non-auditioned, soprano-alto ensemble that performs
        united by  their  love of singing  and community. Per-  treble  literature  from various historical periods and
        forming a wide variety  of musical styles, premiering   styles. The Chorale is featured during Christmas with
        new works, and sharing the stage with a diverse array   Wartburg and mentors the high school treble partici-
        of guest artists, the VocalEssence Chorus is a welcome   pants of the Meistersinger Honor Choirs. The Chorale
        home for singers who wish to continue making music   takes its name from a famous resident of the college’s
        throughout their adult lives.  Our ensemble seeks to live   namesake, the Wartburg Castle in Germany. Elizabeth
        out our belief that singing is an essential form of hu-  (1207-1231) lived at the castle and carried on an ac-
        man expression and can be a powerful tool to connect   tive food ministry by smuggling bread from the castle
        us together across the dimensions of difference.    kitchen in her cloak. Today, Wartburg College hosts a
                                                            service week dedicated to her memory.
                    G. Phillip Shoultz III is associate artistic
                    director  of VocalEssence and founding              Nicki  Bakko Toliver  serves Wartburg
                    director  of The  Singers Of This Age.              College as the associate director of choral
                    Shoultz uses spoken word and song to fos-           activities and associate professor of music
                    ter community and inspire action among              (choral music education). She conducts
        people  of all  ages  and abilities. He conducts festival       The Wartburg Castle Singers, a twenty-
        choirs and leads  workshops  across  the  United  States   eight-voice chamber choir, and St. Elizabeth Chorale,
        and beyond. He serves on the faculty of the University   a seventy-voice treble ensemble. In addition, she
        of St. Thomas and guides the ministries of worship at   teaches K-12 music methods courses, mentors future
        Westwood Lutheran Church. The Minnesota Orches-     music educators in the Teacher Education Program,
        tra engages Shoultz to host Young People’s Concerts.   and supervises student teachers. Toliver enjoyed a
        The winner of the ACDA Graduate Conducting Com-     distinguished career in both public and private school
        petition and multiple Teacher of the Year awards, he   systems in four states. Toliver holds a DMA from
        founded “Table for More” in 2020 to help organiza-  North Dakota State University, an MM from Arizona
        tions address issues related to innovation, equity, and   State University, and a BM from Concordia College,
        belonging in the arts.                              Moorhead.

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