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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                   Interest Sessions
                                   In t er est S essions

        congregation members. Based on concepts found in    of repertoire for school, church, and community, but
        the book The Art of  Gathering by Priya Parker, the first   can be tailored to any one of these sectors.
        part of the session will present a framework about in-
        tentionally creating memorable events, rehearsals, and          Graeme Morton is  considered  one of
        worship services to build stronger ensembles and com-           Australia’s most eclectic  choral  musi-
        munities. Stories from over fifteen years in music min-         cians. He is senior lecturer and choral fel-
        istry will demonstrate how the concepts can be applied          low at the University of Queensland and
        in a wide variety of contexts. In the second part of the        director of music at St John’s Episcopal
        session, attendees will brainstorm ideas. Attendees will   Cathedral in Brisbane. He is also founder and director
        have practical ideas to take back to their own worship-  of the Brisbane Chamber Choir. He was the founda-
        ing communities and feel rejuvenated and empowered   tion conductor of The Australian Voices and artistic
        to make positive changes in their own context.      director of the National Youth Choir of Australia. He
                                                            has commissioned  many of the  pieces that  have be-
                    Austen Wilson is  the director of music   come synonymous with Australian  choral  music, in-
                    ministries at  St.  Andrew Presbyterian   cluding Past Life Melodies (Hopkins) and Ngana (Leek).
                    Church in Iowa City, Iowa, where he     His compositions are published by Augsburg Fortress,
                    oversees a comprehensive music  minis-  Crescendo Music, and Morton Music.
                    try of choral, handbell, and instrumen-
        tal ensembles and works collaboratively with staff. He
        believes that music  builds community, preaches the
        Gospel, helps us find belonging, and builds our faith.            Don’t Fear the Reverb:
        In addition to planning and leading worship, Wilson        Making Sound Technology Accessible
        founded Melodious Harmony: Concerts at St. Andrew
        in 2023, which seeks to provide accessible, affordable,   Whether  you need a refresher on  sound  technol-
        and inspirational performances for the Iowa City Com-  ogy or to establish a foundation, join Nathan Edwards
        munity. He holds a BA from St. Olaf College and an   and Shannon Gravelle for a presentation and Q&A on
        MM from Colorado State University.
                                                            sound technology. This all-encompassing  session  will
                                                            provide an overview  of some of the  most common
                                                            technical challenges  that  choral  directors face. The
                         A Distant Music:                   goal is to capture or amplify the best possible quality

                Introducing Choral Music of Australia       of  sound  for  the  least  amount  of  effort,  complexity,
                                                            and investment. This will allow directors to focus on
                                                            what they care most about—the sound of the choir—
           Australian choral composers have long been active   while ensuring that the technical setup maximizes their
        in writing music for choirs but are almost totally un-  sound. This presentation will provide a foundation so
        represented  by publishers  in the United States. This   that directors who have sound technicians can commu-
        session will introduce choir directors to this music and   nicate their needs most effectively, and directors with-
        the themes that are reflected in this repertoire—some   out technicians can create quality recordings.
        of which is distinctly Australian and much of which
        is universal. Participants will sing highlights, listen to      Shannon Gravelle is director of choral
        recordings, and learn how to access these resources. At-        activities at the University of Wisconsin
        tendees will take valuable insights as well as a packet of      Oshkosh. Her current research examines
        samples. The session is intended to cover a wide span           how identity, gesture, and conducting

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