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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                         Choir as Garden:                                     Choir Reborn:
                 Rejuvenate the Choral Ensemble                       The Joy of Authentic Expression
           through a Flexible, Person-Centered Approach

                                                               Many choral directors would like the singers in their
           Many choral ensembles take pride in offering singers   choirs to be more facially and physically expressive, but
        a welcoming place to belong, relate to others, and ex-  they’re not quite sure how to facilitate that expression.
        perience freedom of expression. Unfortunately, some-  This interest session will present a practical technique
        times singers in choral ensembles feel judged, taken-  that can immediately transform  a choir’s  expressive-
        for-granted, or marginalized. How can choral leaders   ness, leading to a new connection with Self, the music,
        help every singer feel seen and valued while supporting   other singers, and audience members. Based on cut-
        individual singers’ growth within the larger group? This   ting-edge neuroscience and Method acting principles,
        session  encourages  choral  leaders  to  reflect  on  their   this session is applicable to singers and directors of all
        practices and to rejuvenate choral ensembles using the   levels. The session will begin with the participants and
        model of choir as a garden. When an ensemble is cared   demonstration choir engaging in fun and simple exer-
        for as a garden, each singer grows in a dynamic ecosys-  cises to illustrate the basic concepts. After these foun-
        tem with others. Each voice is recognized, nurtured,   dational ideas are explored, the participants will learn
        and valued for the qualities it brings to the group. Ses-  how singers can play with them while they sing. Using
        sion attendees will explore specific practices that honor   a very simple framework, the demonstration choir will
        all singers’ voices. These practices include teaching and   apply these tools to some of their repertoire.
        learning away from a printed score, inviting democrat-
        ic leadership, facilitating  creative  and improvisatory        Tom Carter has sung in numerous choirs,
        activities, engaging in singer-led community-building,          including the San Jose State  Choraliers
        and encouraging varied vocal tone qualities and varied          under the direction of Dr. Charlene Ar-
        choral traditions.                                              chibeque. A professional stage  director
                                                                        and acting  teacher  as well  as a  singer,
                    Jennifer C. Hutton serves as a lecturer   Carter combined his passions by working with the Cho-
                    in choral  music education  at  the  Peck   raliers and other choirs on stage presence. Although he
                    School of the Arts at the University of   conceived them with a college group, he continued to
                    Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she teaches   develop and hone his techniques while working with
                    graduate and undergraduate music edu-   adult, high school, and children’s groups. In 2005 he
        cation courses and leads Bella Voce, the university’s au-  wrote Choral Charisma: Singing with Expression, and since
        ditioned treble choir. For over two decades, she taught   then he has traveled across the country to work with
        choral and general music to individuals of all ages in   choirs  and present  interest sessions. He previously
        public-school, independent-school, and community    worked as an English and drama teacher in Northern
        settings. As a researcher, she studies connection during   California.
        choral  singing, culturally  responsive  vocal  pedagogy,
        and teacher–student relationships in music classrooms.
        She received her PhD in music education from Temple
        University and is certified as an Estill Master Trainer.      Creating Meaningful Gatherings
                                                                       to Revitalize Music Ministries

                                                               This  interactive  and practical  session  will provide
                                                            tools to revitalize ensembles in music ministry settings
                                                            and enable  meaningful experiences  for singers  and

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