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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                   In t er est S essions
                                   Interest Sessions

                    Jessica L. G. Steuver  (pronounced  STY-       Improving Vocal Ensemble Intonation
                    ver), she/her, is a PhD student in music
                    education at Case Western Reserve Uni-    Seeking to “rejuvenate” our choral sound, this ses-
                    versity in Cleveland,  OH. Her  research   sion focuses on concrete tools and vocal/choral exer-
                    interests include  intersectional  feminism   cises to strengthen the ears of choristers for more con-
        in music, theater, musical catharsis, choral curriculum   sistent intonation and more focused vocal production.
        and assessment,  and mental  health  and choral par-  Attendees will learn the methodology behind various
        ticipation post-pandemic. In addition to her work as a   ensemble exercises and will participate in singing ex-
        graduate assistant, Steuver serves as the artistic direc-  ample exercises that can be brought home to their own
        tor  for  University Chorale  at  CWRU and Windsong,   choirs. Research behind these exercises is based par-
        Cleveland’s Feminist Chorus. She holds degrees from   tially on Edwin Gordon’s music learning theory and
        Bowling Green State University (BM) and University of   also the research of the presenter. This session gives
        Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music (MM).     tools for exploring intonation without bias toward any
                                                            particular choral sound or genre.

                                                                        Albert Pinsonneault is director of choral
           Gender Issues and a Brief Introduction of Choral             activities at the University of St. Thomas,
           Literature by Eastern Asian Female Composers                 where he conducts the Chamber Singers
                                                                        and Concert  Choir and teaches in the
                                                                        graduate program in choral music educa-
           This research presentation focuses on gender issues   tion. Pinsonneault is also founder and artistic director
        in Eastern Asian choral literature and underrepresented   of the Madison Choral Project, Wisconsin’s only fully
        Eastern Asian composers. This research study address-  professional chamber choir. Previously he was associ-
        es the gender issue and bias toward female composers   ate director of choral organizations at Northwestern
        in Eastern Asian musical cultures and argues that the   University’s Bienen School of Music. He is a graduate
        underrepresentation of female composers and compo-  of St. Olaf College (BM), the University of Minnesota
        sitions in the Eastern Asian Choral Canon shares as-  (MM), and the College-Conservatory of Music at the
        tonishing similarities to the gender issue in the Western   University of Cincinnati (DMA).
        European Classical Music Canon.

                    Pingyi Song is the director of choral ac-
                    tivities at Coker University, SC. As an ac-  Interactive Concerts and Refreshing Ways
                    tive conductor and clinician in  the U.S.
                    and China, Song is dedicated to promot-               to Engage Audiences
                    ing  cultural  exchange  between  Western
        and Eastern  Asian  Music.  Song’s  research  was  pre-  This session proposes simple strategies for inform-
        sented at the 2023 National ACDA Conference. Song   ing, inspiring, and connecting to audiences through in-
        holds a Choral Summer School Certificate from Oxford   teractive concerts. While program notes and onstage
        University, U.K., a DMA degree, and a PBC certificate   remarks do help orient listeners, actively engaging au-
        in music education from the University of North Caro-  diences leads to more soul-stirring listening experiences
        lina, Greensboro, and other degrees from West Virginia   and builds community in the concert hall. This session
        University, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, and   will demonstrate how to engage audiences by select-
        Guangzhou University, China.                        ing an effective aesthetic “entry point” into a piece of

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