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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire                        Vocal Artists of Iowa
                          Concert Choir

           Concert Choir is one of six choral ensembles at the
        University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Concert  Choir    Vocal Artists of Iowa is  a semi-professional choir
        performed at the 1996, 1998, and 2019 ACDA Region   based in Cedar  Rapids and Iowa City whose mem-
        Conferences  and the  1997  ACDA National  Confer-  bership draws primarily upon the region’s community
        ence. The choir has performed at five Wisconsin MEA   members, music  professionals, and music  educators.
        Conventions and at the  Wisconsin  Choral Directors   VAoI is a project-based group that performs five to six
        Association Convention. The Concert Choir has per-  concerts per year, with rehearsals  and performance
        formed with outstanding orchestras including the Min-  dates  dictated  by the  availability  of its constituency.
        nesota Orchestra, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, the   Featured and invited performances have included the
        San Diego Symphony Orchestra, and the Philadelphia   Iowa Choral Director’s Association Choral Showcase
        Brass. The ensemble has traveled to Europe on eight   in 2018 and 2023, the Luther College Dorian Summer
        concert tours, including two appearances at the anni-  Music  Festival, the  ICDA Summer Symposium,  and
        versaries of the D-Day Invasion in France.          the Midwestern ACDA Region Conference.

                    Frank A. Watkins is an associate professor          David Haas is  director  of choral music
                    of music and director of choral studies at          at West High School in Iowa City, Iowa;
                    the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire.             founder  and artistic  director  of Vocal
                    Watkins taught  secondary choral  music             Artists of Iowa, a semi-professional choir
                    in Texas for six years. He holds degrees            based  out  of  the  Cedar  Rapids/Iowa
        from Jackson State University (BM), the University of   City  area;  and a  PhD candidate  in music education
        Arkansas (MM), Northwestern University (MM), and    at the University of Iowa. At West High, Haas directs
        Michigan State  University (DMA). In 2016 he  was   Treble Choir, Iowa City West Singers, and leads sev-
        appointed  conductor and music  director  of the  Eau   eral sections of Digital Music Production. Prior to his
        Claire  Chamber  Orchestra.  Choirs under  his  direc-  tenure at Iowa City West, Haas held church choir and
        tion have performed at the Wisconsin Music Educators   public school teaching positions in Iowa, South Dako-
        State Conference (2018, 2023); Wisconsin Choral Di-  ta, and Florida. He holds a BA in vocal performance
        rector’s Association State Conference (2023), and the   from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and an MM
        North Central ACDA Region (2020).                   in choral conducting from the Florida State University.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            45
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