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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                  P er f orming C   hoirs
                                  Performing Choirs

                        Purdue University                           St. Michael-Albertville High School

                         Varsity Glee Club                                    Concert Choir

                                                              The STMA High School Music program prides it-
           With integrity and passion, the members of the Pur-  self on excellence and inclusion for the over 500 stu-
        due Varsity Glee Club have proudly served as ambas-  dents that it serves. The STMA Concert Choir is one
        sadors of Purdue University for 130 years. Under the   of fifteen performing ensembles offered at STMA High
        leadership  of  William  E.  Griffel,  the  Purdue  Varsity   School. Recent performance highlights include invi-
        Glee  Club  has an established reputation for musical   tational  performances with American Public Media,
        and  academic  excellence,  representing  diverse  back-  ACDA, and Minnesota MEA. STMA has enjoyed col-
        grounds and  hometowns,  with  majors ranging  from   laborative performances with numerous high schools,
        engineering to education. Founded in 1893, the Pur-  collegiate ensembles and professional ensembles. Up-
        due Varsity Glee Club has inspired audiences across   coming highlights for the 2023-2024 Concert Season
        the globe and been invited to perform for six presiden-  include performances with VOCES8, and the midwest
        tial inaugurations.                                 premiere of Christopher Tin’s The Lost Birds.

                    William E. Griffel is the director of Pur-          Joe Osowski is one of two choral directors
                    due  Musical Organizations at  Purdue               at St. Michael–Albertville High School.
                    University. He directs the internationally          He holds a BME and MME from North
                    recognized  Purdue  Varsity Glee  Club              Dakota State University. At STMA High
                    and  produces and directs  the  annual              School, Osowski  directs four curricular
        Purdue Christmas Show. Griffel has traveled interna-  ensembles, one co-curricular ensemble, and serves as
        tionally  both  as a  director  and as a  performer. As  a   the vocal director for the annual high school musical.
        professional vocalist, his voice can be heard on many   Osowski is also the conductor of Bring the Sing, a com-
        commercial and professional recordings. In 2016, he   munity singing initiative. He is in demand as a guest
        was selected as a quarterfinalist for the Grammy Music   conductor, clinician, and adjudicator. Osowski recently
        Educator Award. He received his bachelor’s degrees in   served as the Northeast District Chair for ACDA-MN.
        music education and vocal performance from Viterbo   He was selected as a conducting delegate representing
        University in LaCrosse, WI, a master’s in vocal perfor-  the United States for the 2017 International Conduc-
        mance and a performance certificate in vocal perfor-  tors Exchange Program.
        mance from DePaul University in Chicago, IL.

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