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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                      Morningside University                           Pleasant Valley High School
                        Morningside Choir                                    Leading Tones

                                                              The Pleasant  Valley Leading  Tones are an extra-
                                                            curricular ensemble specializing in a cappella perfor-
           The Morningside Choir, the  university’s  premier   mance of vocal jazz literature. The ensemble strives for
        forty-member auditioned choral ensemble, has main-  flexibility of tone through a variety of genres within
        tained  a  respected  tradition  of artistic  excellence   vocal jazz. Their studies include exploration of stan-
        for one hundred  years. The choir consists  of under-  dards, listening to essential recordings and artists, exer-
        graduate student musicians from various major areas   cises in improvisation, and solo performance. Members
        of study. In addition to performing at the 2024 Mid-  are expected to prepare independently or in student-
        western ACDA Region Conference, the ensemble was    led sectionals so that rehearsals are truly a group-led
        featured as a demonstration choir at the 2023 ACDA   effort. Students in the Leading Tones are notably self-
        National Conference Undergraduate Choral Conduct-   reliant, while giving their all to a remarkably coopera-
        ing Institute Masterclass.                          tive, team-based  ensemble. Leading  Tones members
                                                            also represent PVHS in  the all-state  chorus, all-state
                    Ryan Person serves as director of choral   jazz choir, and ACDA honor choirs.
                    activities and assistant professor of mu-
                    sic  at Morningside University  in Sioux            Meg Byrne is the director of vocal music
                    City, Iowa. He conducts  the Morning-               at  Pleasant Valley High School, a posi-
                    side Choir, which tours and performs at             tion she has held for twenty-nine years.
        continental  and national  destinations each year. His          She directs the Chamber Choir, Treble
        choirs have been invited to participate ACDA national           Chamber Choir, and the Leading Tones,
        conference, North Central ACDA conference, Dvorak   an a cappella jazz choir. A quarterfinalist for the Gram-
        Music Festival in the Czech Republic, and Iowa Cho-  my music educators’ award in 2022 and 2023, she also
        ral  Directors  Association Showcase. Additionally, he   teaches AP Music Theory and has worked as music de-
        has co-presented at the NCCO conference and been    partment chair and instructional lead for vocal music.
        invited to conduct numerous honor choir and all-state   Byrne sings regularly with the Augustana Choral Art-
        festivals. Person earned a DMA from Texas Tech, MM   ists under the direction of Jon Hurty. She holds degrees
        from Michigan State University, and BA from Luther   from Bryn Mawr College, the University of Northern
        College.                                            Iowa, and Western Illinois University. She is the High
                                                            School R&R chair for the Iowa Choral Directors As-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            43
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