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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                        orming C
                                   Performing Choirs
                      Johnston High School                                Linn-Mar High School
                             Cantus                                         Chamber Singers

           Cantus is the premier auditioned choral ensemble at   Chamber Singers is the forty-three-voice advanced
        Johnston High School, consisting of fifty singers. Stu-  mixed choir from Linn-Mar High School in Marion,
        dents in Cantus represent many facets of the Johnston   IA. This ensemble is one of three mixed choirs and
        High School academic, athletic, and fine arts programs.   seven total concert choirs that serve the 400 students
        The core values of Cantus are independence in music   enrolled in choir at Linn-Mar. Over 750 students are
        literacy, a commitment to programing wide varieties of   enrolled in at least one of sixteen curricular ensembles
        repertoire from across the globe, and captivating audi-  offered in the choir, band, and orchestra departments.
        ence members with heartfelt performances.           Chamber Singers focuses on exposing audiences to a
                                                            rich and diverse repertoire of styles, stories, and experi-
                    Hannah Ryan teaches at Johnston High    ences chorally.
                    School in Johnston, Iowa, where  she
                    directs Cantus, Cantate  Treble  Choir,             Trent Buglewicz is a vocal music teacher
                    Mixed Choir, and Synergy Show Choir.                at Linn-Mar High School in Marion, IA,
                    Her  choirs consistently earn Division  I           where he has spent the last nine years. In
        Ratings at large group contest and solo/ensemble fes-           addition to directing the advanced mixed
        tival, and multiple students are selected for the Iowa          chorus, Chamber Singers, since the fall
        All-State  Chorus under  her  leadership. Cantus  most   of 2020, he also conducts Linn-Mar’s bass chorus, For-
        recently had the honor of being selected for the 2022   tis, and one of the school’s treble choruses, Cantemus.
        Iowa Choral Showcase. In 2013, Ryan was awarded     Outside of curricular choir, he is the director of Linn-
        the “Outstanding Educator of the Year” Award from   Mar’s extracurricular varsity show choir, Tenth Street
        the Johnston  School Foundation. In  2016, she was   Edition. He received his BME from the University of
        awarded  the  Aspire  Award for “Best New Director”   Nebraska–Lincoln. In 2020, Buglewicz and his choir,
        from the FAME Show Choir National Championship      Bella Voce, performed at the Central and North Cen-
        Series.                                             tral ACDA Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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