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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                   Bowling Green State University                         Iowa State University
                             Volaré                                            Cantamus

                                                              Cantamus was founded at Iowa State University in
                                                            2000 with the principal goal to diversify the repertoire,
            The “Treble Clef Club” is the oldest vocal ensem-  practice, and reach of treble-voice ensembles. Our lit-
        ble at Bowling Green State  University. Now  named   erature spans from early works to premieres by living
        “Volaré” (most recently Women’s Chorus) we proudly   composers, and from Western classical music  canon
        serve treble voices across all ages and disciplines at the   to oral-tradition folk music and experimental contem-
        university. Volaré consists of sixty-five undergraduate   porary pieces. Vocally, Cantamus singers learn how to
        sopranos and altos and predominantly includes non-  healthily produce a wide spectrum of sound across the
        music majors. Volaré regularly commissions and pre-  full treble range—lofted to brassy, lean to lush, crying
        miers new works. The chorus performs both on and    to soaring. Embedded in this practice is both a greatly
        off campus and has performed at several professional   expanded definition of beauty and an active embrace
        conferences, including Ohio MEA in 2022. Volaré last   of songs and singers of disparate backgrounds and tra-
        performed at ACDA thirty-five years ago and is hon-  ditions.
        ored to return.
                                                                        Jennifer Rodgers is the assistant director
                    Emily Pence Brown serves as associate               of choral activities and assistant teaching
                    professor of music education  at  Bowl-             professor of voice at Iowa State Univer-
                    ing Green State  University, where she              sity, where she directs the Cantamus and
                    teaches  choral music  education  under-            Lyrica ensembles and teaches voice in
                    graduate  courses and directs Volaré.   studio and classroom settings. Her career and teaching
        She holds a BME from Rutgers University, a master’s   has been dedicated to building bridges: between con-
        from the Florida State University, and a PhD from The   temporary and traditional singing and between choral
        University of Southern Mississippi. Brown’s research   and solo voice professionals. As a vocalist, Rodgers per-
        on teacher vocal health and job-related stress has been   forms in a wide variety of styles. She is the lead singer
        published in Journal of  Music Teacher Education and Bulle-  for  the  Indigo Monks  jazz band  and one  of  sixteen
        tin of  the Council for Research in Music Education. Additional   singers on the inaugural roster of withonevoice, a pro-
        publications include Music Educators Journal, Research Per-  fessional choir based in Chicago and Western Illinois.
        spectives on Music Education, and TRIAD.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            41
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