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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                   Performing Choirs
                                   P er f orming C  hoirs

                  Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs                           Ankeny High School
                         Cantanti Singers                                     Concert Choir

                                                              The Ankeny High School Concert Choir is the pre-
           The  Angelica  Cantanti  Youth  Choirs—Cantanti   mier choral ensemble at Ankeny High School in Anke-
        Singers is an SATB community choir with members     ny, Iowa, and is one of six performing ensembles in an
        representing  thirty-six  different  high  schools  around   award-winning comprehensive  vocal music  program.
        the  Minneapolis and St.  Paul  areas. The  singers in   Students in grades 10-12 undergo a competitive audi-
        grades 9-12 rehearse once a week and are conducted by   tion process for selection each year. The ensemble has
        Philip Brown with collaborative pianist Jamie Schmidt.   shared the stage with numerous collegiate and profes-
        The award-winning Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs    sional choirs, was the featured guest choir at the Wart-
        (ACYC) program was founded in 1980 and currently    burg College Meistersinger Honor Choir Festival, and
        has nine ensembles for singers in grades K–12, an adult   was selected to perform for the 2020 Midwestern Re-
        alumni choir, and a music class for singers with special   gion ACDA Conference and for the Iowa Choral Di-
        needs. Singers in ACYC performed at the 2018 Super   rectors Association’s Iowa Choral Showcase in 2018.

                                                                        Ben Walters is in his eighteenth year of
                    Philip Brown is the  director  of choral
                    activities at Totino-Grace  High School             music education in Iowa, and eighth as
                    and conductor of the high school choirs             director  of choral  activities  at  Ankeny
                    with Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs. He             High School in Ankeny, Iowa, where
                    graduated  from Bethany College  (KS)               he  oversees an award-winning  compre-
        and received his MME from Northern Arizona Univer-  hensive vocal music program of six ensembles involv-
        sity. At Totino-Grace he conducts the curricular choirs   ing approximately 275 singers. He conducts Ankeny’s
        and heads the competitive show choir program. Brown   most select choral ensemble, Concert Choir, the audi-
        also conducts the Cantanti Singers, Treble Singers, and   tioned treble ensemble Cantorei, and the varsity show
        Tenor/Bass Ensemble—choirs of high school singers   choir, Visual Adrenaline. Walters is in demand across
        from across the twin cities as part of the Angelica Can-  the metro and state as a judge and clinician for show
        tanti  Youth Choirs  organization. He conducted the   choir, all-state, and solo/ensemble contest events in ad-
        Angelica  Cantanti  Youth Choirs—Treble  Singers at   dition to frequently serving as an adjudicator at numer-
        the 2019 National ACDA Conference.                  ous Iowa High School Music Association Festivals and

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