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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                    Ann Howard Jones is professor emerita               Tom Trenney is a composer, conductor,
                    of music  at Boston University  (1993),             organist,  preacher,  and  teacher.  He  has
                    where she was director of choral activi-            been blessed to serve as minister of music
                    ties and conducted the Chamber Chorus               to First-Plymouth Church in Lincoln, Ne-
                    and the Symphonic Chorus.  She was re-              braska, since 2009. In 2019 he became as-
        sponsible for the highly regarded graduate program in   sociate professor of music and director of choirs at Ne-
        choral conducting. She received the Robert Shaw Cho-  braska Wesleyan University. Trenney’s choirs have been
        ral Award from ACDA (2011) for distinguished profes-  honored to perform for state, regional, and national con-
        sional accomplishment and service, the Distinguished   ferences of ACDA, and they have been award winners
        Service to the Profession Award from Chorus America   in the American Prize for choral ensembles. He serves as
        (2014), and the Metcalf Award from Boston University   Music in Worship Chair for Midwest ACDA. Trenney
        (2003). She was awarded a Fulbright professorship to   has been a featured performer at churches, colleges, and
        Brazil. Jones has written extensively on score prepara-  concert halls across the country. His choral compositions
        tion, rehearsal techniques, and healthy singing in the   are published by Augsburg Fortress, Beckenhorst Press,
        choral  rehearsal.  She  was awarded  degrees  in vocal   Choristers Guild, E.C. Schirmer/Galaxy, Morningstar,
        performance and the DMA in choral conducting from   Musicspoke, Pavane, and G. Schirmer. He is a graduate
        the University of Iowa.                             of the Cleveland Institute of Music and the Eastman
                                                            School of Music.

           CCM SUMMER


            Declared “one of this country’s leading conservatories” by the New York
            Times, UC’s College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) offers an exceptional
            summer choral intensive program.

              WORKSHOP                      CONDUCTING TRAINING               LEARN FROM RENOWNED FACULTY:
              July 7-13, 2024               PROGRAM
              Registration due April 21     July 6-13, 2024
              Offers a focused immersion in   Application due March 1
              new pedagogies, literature and   Offers advanced training for conductors
              performance practice.         who seek to elevate their professional
              - Receive coaching on body mapping,    experience with guidance from CCM’s
                voice and choral pedagogy   renowned faculty.
              - Explore a wide range of historic    - Refine your gesture, approach and
                and modern repertoire         score analysis                  JOE MILLER     BRETT SCOTT
              - Gain exposure to the CCM     - Rehearse and conduct a professional     Professor and   Professor of
                                                                              Director of Choral
                                                                                             Ensembles and
                International Conducting program      chorus and orchestra    Studies at CCM  Conducting at CCM
                and performances            - Prepare masterworks for performances
              - No audition required        - Audition required

            Professional Development contract hours documentation is available upon completion of
            the Choral Intensive. Apply online at

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            39
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