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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                   H eadliners/S    pecial E  v en ts
                                   Headliners/Special Events

        conducted more than forty choral festivals throughout           Peter A. Eklund is the current president-
        the Midwest and is a frequent judge at show choir com-          elect of the UNL Faculty Senate, and a
        petitions. He teaches voice at the SNJ Studio of Music          Hixson-Lied Endowment Professor of
        in Omaha and conducts the SNJ Singers, a select High            Music. He was recently named one of the
        School A Cappella Choir. He served as president of the          national quarter-finalists for the Grammy
        Nebraska Choral Directors Association, and chair of   National Music Teacher of the Year and was a national
        choral affairs for Nebraska MEA.                    finalist for the NFHS Outstanding Music Educator in
                                                            2019. Trained as a classical pianist and organist in the
                                                            finest traditions of Western historical music, he is also
                                                            a strong advocate for ethnic and world music spanning
                  University of Nebraska–Lincoln            all  genres.  His academic  choirs have  performed  on
                        University Singers                  over forty-five ACDA and NAfME state, regional, and
                                                            national conventions. Eklund studied conducting and
                                                            score study at the University of Iowa. He divides his
                                                            time as conductor, guest lecturer, editor/arranger, and

                                                                                R3 Choirs

                                                                        Aimee Beckmann-Collier is  the  Ellis
                                                                        and Nelle Levitt Distinguished Professor
                                                                        Emerita of Conducting at Drake Univer-
                                                                        sity, where she served as director of cho-
                                                                        ral  studies  from  1989  through 2019.  A
                                                            frequent clinician, adjudicator, and guest conductor for
                                                            high school and college choral festivals, contests, and
           University Singers, the University of Nebraska–Lin-  all-states, she has conducted in Carnegie Hall and Av-
        coln’s  premier  and  historic  flagship  choral  ensemble,   ery Fisher Hall. Drake ensembles under her leadership
        presents the finest and most versatile choral singers in   performed in major venues throughout Europe, as well
        the  University. In 2022, they  performed in many  of   as for conferences of ACDA’s North Central Region.
        Frances most famous Gothic cathedrals. While many   Beckmann-Collier’s professional service includes terms
        of the choir’s singers are music majors, students from   as president of ICDA and ACDA’s North Central Re-
        throughout the University are encouraged to audition   gion. She chaired North Central’s 2012 and 1992 Con-
        and participate. This ensemble performs music from   ferences and was  assistant chair of the  2015 ACDA
        the thirteenth century through the present, including   National Conference, as well as editor of Sounding Board
        works written especially for them. University Singers   and Melisma.
        has performed for state conventions of the Nebraska
        Choral Directors Association, Nebraska MEA, region-
        al North Central ACDA conferences, and regional and
        national  meetings of the  Music Educators National

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