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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                        February 7-10, 2024                                             Omaha, Nebraska

                    A. J. Reimer has  been  teaching vocal   the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is an accom-
                    music  since  2003 and has  been  at Bel-  plished vocalist and composer with his works available
                    levue West High School since 2006. He   through several publishers and performed by festival/
                    received his undergraduate and master’s   honor choirs, all-state  choirs, and professional and
                    degrees in music education from the Uni-  university choirs such as Seraphic Fire and the Oak-
        versity of Nebraska-Lincoln. At  West,  Reimer  helps   wood University  Aeolians. Recent  commissions  and
        direct the eight choirs in its program, including West   premieres include Harvard University and the Turtle
        High Singers, Project 424, and Concert Choir. Reimer   Creek Chorale. He regularly serves as a choral clini-
        has presented, conducted, and performed several times   cian and guest conductor for festival and honor choirs
        at state conventions for both NMEA and NCDA. In     throughout the country.
        2014 he represented Nebraska at the regional ACDA
        conference  as a conductor of the  Collegiate  Honor
        Choir. Reimer is a past president of the Nebraska Cho-
        ral Directors Association.                                             SNJ Singers

                    Nebraska Festival Singers

                                                              SNJ Singers is a select a cappella ensemble compris-
                                                            ing talented high school singers from across the Oma-
                                                            ha metropolitan area in their own school choirs, show
                                                            choirs, and musicals. SNJ Singers perform repertoire
                                                            ranging from classic choral literature to contemporary
          The Nebraska Festival Singers is a new choral orga-  a cappella. The ensemble rehearses at SNJ Studio of
        nization in the Midwest. The membership comprises   Music  on Sunday evenings for ninety minutes  each
        teachers of all  levels—inclusive  of music and non-  week during the school year.  In addition to fall, winter,
        music areas—and  community members.  Providing      and spring concerts, the SNJ Singers perform in the
        community performances  of the  highest quality, the   Omaha  Symphony Christmas Celebration  and hosts
        Nebraska Festival Singers is dedicated to engaging and   the  annual  SNJ  A Cappella  Festival,  featuring  high
        inspiring through impassioned singing while expanding   school and collegiate a cappella ensembles of all styles.
        awareness and appreciation of the choral arts. In its
        second season, the choir is conducted by Marques L.             Joel Johnston is director of vocal music
        A. Garrett, founding artistic director.                         at Midland University  in  Fremont, Ne-
                                                                        braska, where he conducts  the Univer-
                    Marques L. A. Garrett is associate profes-          sity Choir and Clef Dwellers, Midland’s
                    sor of choral studies at the University of          contemporary a cappella ensemble.  Ad-
                    North  Texas. After  completing  a  PhD   ditionally, Johnston teaches courses in music education
                    in music  education (choral conducting)   and vocal pedagogy. Known for his positive and dy-
                    at the Florida  State  University, he was   namic leadership, he is in demand as a vocal clinician,
        an assistant professor of music in choral activities at   conductor, choreographer, and adjudicator. He has

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            37
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