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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                      February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                   H eadliners/S    pecial E  v en ts
                                   Headliners/Special Events

                     River City Mixed Chorus                               Nebraska Showcase

                                                                        Derrick Fox is  the associate dean of
                                                                        graduate studies and creative endeavors
                                                                        and a professor of choral conducting at
                                                                        Michigan State University. Prior to MSU,
                                                                        he was  the director  of choral activities
                                                            and distinguished professor of music at the University
                                                            of Nebraska-Omaha and assistant professor of choral
           For  forty years, the  River  City  Mixed  Chorus—  music at Ithaca College. Fox has taught at the middle
        Omaha’s only LGBTQ+  community choir  and  one      school, high school, and collegiate levels. His conduct-
        of the oldest mixed GALA choruses in the country—   ing experiences have included singers from upper el-
        has been giving voice to the hopes of many who yearn   ementary choirs through collegiate  and community
        for a more fully inclusive and diverse society. RCMC   choirs. He was awarded the 2021 Bryan R. Johnson
        has grown from a group of ten friends singing at local   Service  Award by the  Nebraska  MEA and the  2022
        churches and gay bars to more than 160 singers who   University of Nebraska  Omaha  Award for  Distin-
        perform multiple times a year at Omaha’s most pres-  guished Research/Creative Activity.
        tigious performing arts venues. RCMC offers singers
        and audience members alike safe spaces to celebrate all
        that makes us unique, diverse, and joyful. They head-
        lined the 2019 Iowa Choral Directors Association con-                 Meadowlark
        ference with a multi-movement commission, Quiet No
        More, to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the
        Stonewall riots.

                    A. Barron Breland is in demand through-
                    out the country as a conductor, chorus-
                    master, clinician, and adjudicator. He has
                    prepared choruses for Grammy and To-
                    ny-winning artists and conductors. With
        degrees in music theory and choral conducting from
        the University of Georgia and the Indiana University
        Jacobs School of Music, Breland has a diverse back-
        ground  in  many  different  fields  of  music,  including
        the piano and saxophone. He is dean of the Graduate   Meadowlark is a select group of high school musi-
        School and vice provost for Faculty and Academic Af-  cians from the state of Nebraska. Being a part of their
        fairs at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. Be-  high school’s Pop A Cappella  group garnered  these
        sides his work with the Omaha Symphony and Omaha    singers the  opportunity  to  audition  for and create
        Performing Arts, he is also the principal conductor of   Meadowlark. The music performed has been selected
        Résonance and the artistic director of the River City   with  students  in mind—trying to  sing pop  songs of
        Mixed Chorus.                                       their age without jeopardizing the complex harmonies
                                                            and rhythms necessary for an educational setting.

        36      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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