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2024 ACDA Midwestern Region Conference                                                     February 7-10, 2024                                                                  Omaha, Nebraska

                                    Headliners/Special Events
                                                     pecial E
                            Overview                                           Headliners

           Your Midwestern Region of ACDA is gearing up for           Kaleidoscope Vocal Ensemble
         its celebration of choral music in Omaha, Nebraska!
         From February 7 to 10 we will gather to reflect on our
         work in choral music, finding rejuvenation through in-
         spirational  performances  and speakers, and rejoicing
         together in song and spirit.
           The  Midwestern Region  Conference  will  feature
         headline  performances by the  professional vocal en-
         semble Kaleidoscope, a showcase of varied ensembles
         from  Nebraska, and a performance of John  Rutter’s
         Gloria on the 50th anniversary of its 1974 world pre-
         miere  in Omaha. Additionally, the  conference  high-
         lights fifteen of the top choirs from across the region,
         twenty-five engaging interest sessions, reading sessions,
         and four honor choirs.                                 The Kaleidoscope Vocal Ensemble presents vocal
           The conference will also host the R3 Choirs, a ref-  music with artistic excellence while celebrating racial,
         erence to the conference theme: Reflect, Rejuvenate,   ethnic, and gender diversity. The group of profession-
         Rejoice. These choirs will engage you, the conference   al singers from around the United States have thriving
         goer,  in  performance!  Three  of  our  region’s  finest   national and international solo careers, and focus pri-
         conductors—Aimee Beckmann-Collier, Ann  Howard     marily on presenting early and new music. In addition
         Jones, and Tom Trenney—will lead the entire confer-  to performances and artistic residencies, the ensemble
         ence in rehearsals culminating in a gala performance:   engages in creative educational outreach, particularly
         a chance for all of us to engage with, rather than sim-  in communities of color, and promotes the study, re-
         ply listen to, great choral music with master conductors   search, performance,  and  recording  of  music from
         during the conference.                             various eras with special attention to the intersection
           Aimee Beckmann-Collier’s R3 Choir will perform   of arts and social justice.
         choral gems of the modern era; Ann Howard Jones’s
         R3 Choir will present masterwork choruses; and Tom             Arianne Abela is director of choral ac-
         Trenney’s R3 Choir will focus on sacred choral reper-          tivities at Amherst College and is found-
         toire. The Omaha conference will be an opportunity             er and artistic director of Kaleidoscope
         for all of us to Reflect, Rejuvenate, and Rejoice togeth-      Vocal  Ensemble. She  is a  sought-after
         er, with one voice!                                            clinician in composition, conducting,
                                                            and DEIA initiatives. Kaleidoscope has performed as
                                                            a headliner at ACDA, Podium in Canada, and other
                                                            renowned festivals and conferences. Abela  founded
                                                            the Detroit Justice Choir and Detroit Women’s Cho-
                                                            rus, as well  as guest-conducted  with Detroit’s Op-
                                                            eraMODO  and Vancouver-based  opera  company,
                                                            Re:Naissance. Abela holds a doctorate from the Uni-
                                                            versity  of Michigan, master’s  from Yale  University,
                                                            and bachelor’s from Smith College.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            35
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