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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                            In t er est S essions
                                            Interest Sessions

        Classroom: A Pedagogical  Study,” introduces transi-  ming, Colorado, and Minnesota state conventions. As a
        tional elements that are accessible to choral directors   sought-after adjudicator, clinician, and conductor, she
        of any level and involves an observational curriculum   has worked with students from middle school to college
        study. Moline has presented her dissertation research   levels in solo voice to large vocal ensembles in both tra-
        at the Jazz Educators Network Conference, and Wyo-  ditional and vocal jazz idioms.

                                              2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                             S potligh  t Reper   t oir e S essions
                                             Spotlight Repertoire Sessions

                   Children and Community Youth             Eastern Europe!  We  will explore  the  pitch material,
                                                            complex meters, and characteristic rhythms of music
                                                            from this region as we sing through pieces in the read-
                    Children and Youth Repertoire:          ing packet. Where applicable, we will learn about folk

          The DEI Mistake You May Not Know You are Making   traditions  that inspired the  choral compositions  and
            and The Thing You Think is a Mistake That’s Not  investigate how we might introduce these pieces to our
                                                            choirs. Countries represented may include the Czech
                                                            Republic, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Esto-
           Brenda Winkle and members from the NWACDA        nia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania.
         Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee will
         use a DEI lens to discuss intentional programming for  Angela Kasper will be the clinician for this session. Her
         children and youth repertoire. Topics explored will in-  photo and bio are on page 16.
         clude: one DEI mistake that you may inadvertently be
         doing, one thing that you may think is a mistake but
         isn’t, providing resources toward intentional program-
         ming, and Q&A with members from the DEI Com-                          Community

                                                                            Taking the CODA:
         Brenda Winkle will be the clinician for this session. Her
         photo and bio are on page 21.                                   Cultivating Opportunities
                                                                         and Discovering Artistry

                       College and University                  There  is a  weight  in the  phrase  “easier  said than
                                                            done”! As our conversations expand beyond literature
                                                            to  help  our  singers connect  with matters outside  of
                   Treasures from Eastern Europe:           rehearsal, conductors find themselves questioning the
               Choral Repertoire for College, University,    authenticity of their actions. Join Coty Raven Morris
                 and Upper-Level High School Choirs         for a discussion and interactive experience on how your
                                                            programming can be both impactful, authentic, and
                                                            engaging  for  both  singer  and audience. Participants
           Come sing choral pieces in  various voicings  from   will leave with new repertoire, tools, and a full heart.

        28      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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