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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                    Coty Raven Morris is a proud alumnus of                 Music in Worship
                    Texas State  University-San  Marcos  and
                    Michigan State University, where she at-
                    tained  a  master’s in choral  conducting.        Singing from Sunrise to Sunset
        Morris is a  sought-after  clinician, speaker,  and  artist
        across the country and has recently served as the clini-  Choirs in our places of worship provide rich oppor-
        cian and headliner for Florida ACDA and Minnesota  tunities for multi-generational music making and social
        ACDA. Along with her work at Portland State Universi-  and spiritual interaction. By learning how to effectively
        ty as the visiting professor of choir, music education, and  work with senescent (aging)  singers, we preserve  the
        social justice, she is also the founder of Being Human  tremendous impact they can have on the  following
        Together (BHT), a budding community utilizing music  generations. Part reading session and part interactive
        education to normalize difficult topics in our field. She  workshop, this session will provide both new and tried-
        was nominated for the Portland State University George  and-true repertoire for church choirs and give practical
        C Hoffman Faculty Award and was a quarter-finalist for  tips for working with senescent singers both from a psy-
        the 2023 Music Educators Grammy.                    chological and a technical point of view.

                                                                        David B. Gardner, DMA, has conducted
                                                                        college, community, and church choirs
                    Junior High/Middle School                           for more than three decades, and since

                                                                        2014 has served at University Presbyte-
                    Through the Lens of Literacy                        rian Church in Seattle, WA, where he is
                                                            the director of worship and the arts. He holds degrees
                                                            from Seattle Pacific University, Western Seminary, and
           This reading session will examine how we can develop   The University of Arizona. Gardner has served as a
        literacy through rehearsal of repertoire with emerging,   guest  conductor  at  honor choirs and  festivals  in six
        intermediate, and advanced middle school and junior   states and has traveled with his choirs nationally and
        high ensembles. Anchored in score analysis techniques   internationally. He is a past president of the Kansas
        inspired by secondary Kodály practices, we will explore   Choral Directors Association, and currently serves as
        varied methods of designing, preparing, and practicing   the NWACDA R&R Chair for Music in Worship.
        literacy activities that can be embedded within a choral
                                                            Geoffrey Boers will be a clinician for this session. His
                                                            photo and bio are on page 26.
                    Kyra Rengstorf is pursuing her  MM in
                    choral  conducting  at  Western Washing-
                    ton University, where she directs the Uni-
                    versity Choir and teaches aural skills and      Versatile Jewish Choral Repertoire
                    secondary choral methods. She has taught
        middle school and high school mixed, SA, TB, and jazz           for Concerts and Worship
        choirs; piano, theater, musical theater, and elementary
        general  music.  Rengstorf holds  a BM from  Barnard   Many  choirs  perform Jewish choral music  in De-
        College of Columbia University, and a Post-Baccalaure-  cember, but the repertoire is vast and just waiting to
        ate Degree in Music Education and a WA teaching cer-  be  programmed year-round. Jewish music  comprises
        tificate for K-12 general, instrumental, and choral music  disparate cultural traditions. This session will address
        from the University of Washington. She serves as trea-  how to select literature and perform it with sensitivity.
        surer on the board for the Northwest Kodály Educators.  Attendees will learn some chestnut and contemporary

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            29
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