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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                             S potligh  t Reper   t oir e S essions
                                             Spotlight Repertoire Sessions

         Jewish choral selections and discuss how to avoid to-             Senior High School

                    Jacob Finkle is proud to serve as music di-       Starting from the Beginning:
                    rector of the Seattle Jewish Chorale and
                    as the conductor of University Unitarian          Entry High School Repertoire
                    Church’s All Voices Choir. He also serves   from NWACDA Performance Choir Directors
                    as Washington ACDA’s Music in Worship
         R&R Chair. Finkle teaches general music at Silver Firs   This high school spotlight repertoire session will fea-
         Elementary in Everett,  WA. Originally  from upstate   ture the directors of multiple high school choirs with
         New York, he received a BM from Vassar College and   regional conference performance invitations. They will
         then moved to Seattle, where he completed an MM in   present a handful of repertoire ideas for the beginning
         choral  conducting  and a  Music Education  Teaching   high school ensemble in multiple voicings.
         Certification at the University of Washington.
                                                                        Pat Ryan is in his 24th year of teaching,
                    Coreen Duffy is director of choral activi-          and his 13th year  at Great Falls High
                    ties at the University of Montana School            School in Great  Falls, Montana.  Ryan
                    of Music, where she conducts Chamber                has had choirs present at conferences in
                    Chorale  and University Choir, teaches              ‘09, ‘15, ‘18, ‘19, and ‘22.
                    conducting, choral  methods, and super-
         vises  student  teachers. She  serves as artistic  director    Sean Kane is in his 18th year of teach-
         for the UM-Missoula Community Chorus. Under her                ing and his 9th year at Timberline High
         direction, UM Chamber Chorale performed at Cado-               School in Boise, ID. Kane has  had
         gan Hall (London, 2022), the NW ACDA Conference                choirs present at conferences in ‘18, ‘19,
         (2022), and Montana International  Choral  Festival            and ‘22.
         (2023, 2019). Duffy is an active clinician and composer
         with works published by Walton Music, ECS, Pavane,             Barbara Tappa recently retired after 23
         and Hinshaw. A specialist in Jewish music, Duffy has           years of teaching, with the last 15 years
         presented  at ACDA,  NCCO, and the International               at Ferris High School in Spokane, WA.
         Conference of the European Center for Jewish Music             Tappa has had choirs present at confer-
         in Germany. She is president-elect of NWACDA.                  ences in ‘09 and ‘20.

                                                                        Ellen McKenzie is in her 22nd year of
                                                                        teaching and her 10th year at Hellgate
                                                                        High School in Missoula,  Montana.
                                                                        McKenzie has had choirs present at con-
                                                                        ferences in ‘20 and ‘22.

                                                                        Corrina Steinbach is in her 18th year of
                                                                        teaching and  her  8th  year  at  Hellgate
                                                                        High School in Missoula, Montana.

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