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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                         SSAA/Women's                                   Meg Stohlmann is the director of choral
                                                                        and vocal studies at Gonzaga University,
                                                                        where she conducts the Glee Club, Con-
                        Stirring Up Treble:                             cert  Choir and Discantus  Treble  Choir.
                    The Defiant Power of Song                           She also serves  as  the director  of the
                                                            Spokane Symphony Chorale. Stohlmann serves on the

           Throughout history, singing has been a unifying ele-  ACDA Northwest Region’s board. She was selected to
        ment in society. It is especially so for those moments on   participate in the 2023 ACDA International Conduc-
        the precipice of change. Our spotlight reading session   tor’s Exchange program in Germany. She taught choir
        will explore soprano/alto repertoire that stands up to   and guitar at the middle and high school level in Lexing-
        injustice, defies the status quo, and empowers agents of   ton, KY, and conducted the Danville Children’s Choir.
        change for all stages of vocal and musical development.  Her children’s choir and high school advanced women’s
                                                            choirs performed  at  the  Kentucky  Music  Educators
                    Sandra  Babb is  associate  professor of   State Conferences in 2014 and 2015, respectively.
                    choral music education at Oregon State
                    University, where she directs Bella Voce
                    and the University  Chorale. Her  choirs                   Vocal Jazz
                    have  performed for state, regional,  and
        national conferences of ACDA, and she has presented
        and conducted all-state and honor choirs throughout            Concepts through Repertoire
        the  United  States. Babb is a  contributing  author  for
        Composing in Choirs, and Teaching Music through Performance   Along with demonstration group Pacific Northwest
        in Choir, Volume IV, and Voices in Concert. She received the   Voices, jazz musician and music educator Kirk Roa will
        BME, MME, and PhD from The Florida State Uni-       engage  participants in rehearsal strategies, jazz con-
        versity and is a National Center for Voice and Speech   cepts, and techniques for improving your ensemble us-
        certified vocologist. Babb serves as NW-ACDA R&R    ing varied literature from today's top arrangers. Many
        Chair for soprano/alto choirs and is the president-elect   new and diverse selections will be included.
        for Oregon ACDA.
                                                                        Kirk Roa is a jazz musician  and music
                                                                        educator born and raised in the greater

                           TTBB/Men's                                   Seattle area. In addition to private vocal
                                                                        and piano instruction, he also teaches and
                                                                        directs the choirs at Bishop Blanchet High
                 Redefining the Tenor/Bass Choir:           School as a proud alumnus. Roa is the director of the
                     Creating a Safe Space for              Pacific Northwest Voices, a nationally recognized vocal
                                                            jazz group dedicated to honoring and expanding the
                     All in Voice Specific Choirs           vocal jazz idiom. They performed at the 2023 ACDA
                                                            Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is currently in pur-
           In collaboration with the Gonzaga Glee Club, Dr.   suit of a jazz studies master’s degree at the University
        Meg Stohlmann will share repertoire, resources, and   of Arkansas Monticello.
        experiences  regarding  intentionality  about  our  lan-
        guage, uniform choices, and how we create a safe space
        for all singers in our voice specific choirs.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            31
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