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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

        receiving her  MME at  Murray State  University, she               Voices in Transition:
        returned to Anchorage to teach the choirs at Bartlett        Gender Inclusive Choral Voicings
        High School. Her research topics include rehearsal ef-
        fectiveness, inclusionary practices, and equitable audi-  The session  will  provide choral  voicing options to
        tion procedures for honor choirs.
                                                            meet the needs of both the changing transgender voice
                                                            and those of cis-gender singers. As choir directors are
                                                            faced with more students who identify as transgender,
             Teaching Snowboarders to Teaching Choirs:      the need to be able to chose literature that meets those

                  A Holistic Pedagogical Approach           needs is imperative. In addition to existing voicings, op-
                                                            tions for adapting scores with a new “flex” part using
                                                            guidelines created by Stevie J. Hirner will be included.
           Have you ever enjoyed an amazing athletic experi-
        ence?  A choral  rehearsal where  suddenly everything           Roger Emerson is a professional compos-
        clicked for you as a singer? The success of each activity       er/arranger and educator. He has taught
        hinges on holistic teaching that strives to engage indi-        vocal music at all levels but is best known
        viduals comprehensively, resulting in personal growth           for his  arrangements  and compositions
        and social  connection. This  interactive  session  leads       of “You Raise Me Up,”  “Seasons of
        participants through an introductory snowboard lesson   Love,” “Shoshone Love Song,” and “Didn’t My Lord
        and explores an assessment of indicators to facilitate   Deliver Daniel.” He has appeared at numerous ACDA
        holistic teaching. Participants receive an indicator in-  and NAfME conferences presenting sessions on middle
        ventory for singers, created by the presenter, and work   school, changing voice, vocal jazz, and popular music.
        through strategies to mindfully create intersections of
        the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains to
        empower limitless potential and foster community.
                                                                              Vocal Jazz in

                    Christopher Haygood serves as associate                the Choral Classroom
                    director of the Michael and Anne Green-
                    wood School of Music and associate di-    Directing a vocal jazz or contemporary music en-
                    rector  of choral studies at Oklahoma   semble can raise a myriad of questions such as, what
                    State University. Haygood has conducted   vocal warmups should be used? What is appropriate
        choirs and appeared as a clinician across Europe, Asia,   repertoire  for an SAB ensemble?  What  vocal tech-
        Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. He has   nique is best suited for a ballad, Latin, or swing piece?
        published pedagogical resources in the International Bul-  Through her doctoral research, Dr. Lara M. Moline
        letin of  Choral Music, Teaching Music through Performance in   has gathered  information  for  the  less-familiar  to  the
        Choir, and The Choral Conductor’s Companion. Additionally,   well-informed choral conductor in order to aide in the
        Haygood is certified by the Professional Ski Instructors   process of introducing or maintaining the vocal jazz
        of America and American Association of Snowboard    ensemble. The information provided will address the
        Instructors as a ski and snowboard instructor, with ad-  similarities of pedagogy between choral and vocal jazz
        ditional certification as a children’s specialist.  styles, transition material, repertoire and listening sug-
                                                            gestions, and a list of vocal jazz resources.

                                                                       Lara M. Moline is the assistant professor
                                                                       of voice and choral music  education at
                                                                       St. Cloud State University. Her disserta-
                                                                       tion research, “Vocal Jazz in the Choral

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            27
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