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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                   MusicSpoke Reading Session                           Raul Dominguez is the director of choral
                                                                        activities  at  Regis  University. Through
           MusicSpoke will present a reading session of new,            his  research focus  (the  choral music  of
        artist-owned sheet music that focuses on usable music           the United Mexican States), he seeks to
        for high schools and universities. The reading session          provide choirs with the resources to fa-
        will include material from under-represented compos-  cilitate artistic performances of Mexican choral music.
        ers. We will provide the reading session materials. Mu-  Dominguez earned BM degrees from Oklahoma City
        sicSpoke reading sessions always prioritize composers   University and then led the choirs at Clear Lake High
        from the state and region where the session is held.  School  in his hometown of  Houston, TX,  for  four
                                                            years. After Clear Lake, he earned his MM at Ithaca
                    Kurt Knecht’s compositions have  been   College and his DMA at the University of Colorado
                    described as “funky”  and “joyous”  in   Boulder.
                    the Washington Post, and “brilliant in con-
                    cept” in The Tracker magazine. His mu-
                    sic has been performed at the Kennedy
        Center, Carnegie Hall, and the Kimmel Center and by        An Organic Approach to Text Setting:
        Grammy Award-winning groups like the KC Chorale            Unleashing Your Musical Imagination
        and the Washington Chorale. As an eclectic performer,
        Knecht has been a featured soloist with groups rang-
        ing from Smokey Robinson to The Florida Orchestra.    This practical, interactive session on composing ef-
        He is the frequent collaborative organist/pianist for the   fective and meaningful musical settings focuses on sev-
        KC Chorale. He is the organist at St. Paul’s Episcopal   eral rarely discussed topics. Through a combination of
        in Kansas City and the co-founder of MusicSpoke.    lecture, guided discovery, and practical application, at-
                                                            tendees will learn techniques for: (1) Choosing a text, (2)
                                                            Analyzing the structure and meaning of a text to gain
                                                            a deeper understanding of it, (3) Internalizing the text
                                                            so that it influences your musical imagination and al-
                       Nosotres Existimos:                  lows the music to emerge organically, and (4) Ideation:
             Mexican Choral Repertoire and Resources        Developing a compelling concept for the composition.
                                                            Additional guidelines include how to avoid composing
           The goal of Nosotres Existimos is inclusion and be-  “too soon” before understanding the text, how to avoid
        longing for the choral conductor’s students and com-  getting compositionally “stuck,” how to mark up and
        munity through programming. This session’s informa-  sketch conceptual and musical ideas on the text, and
        tion  on Mexican  repertoire  and  resources,  through   how to compose using voice first and piano later.
        handouts and websites, will connect our growing
        Chicano/a/e student population to this large body of            John Muehleisen  is  a composer whose
        music.  By the  end, attendees  will have more insight          150+ vocal and choral works have been
        on Mexican choral music history, know where to find             described as “masterful, imaginatively
        Mexican and indigenous repertoire, and have access to           harmonized,  beautifully  realized,  and
        resources to lead  culturally  responsive performances.         brilliantly crafted.” Muehleisen’s compo-
        Using this session’s offerings, participants can generate   sitions have focused on topics ranging from humor—Eat
        deeper belonging amongst their students and commu-  Your Vegetables! and Cantata Caffeinata—to more serious
        nity, share unheard voices, and continue to build com-  issues, including spiritual and emotional dimensions of
        munity through music.                               suffering and healing, gun violence, immigration, how
                                                            we treat those different than ourselves, hate crime, and

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            25
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