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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                    Stevie J. Hirner (she/her) is a choral con-          Group Composition in the
                    ductor, composer, and singer who special-            Middle School Classroom
                    izes in science-informed practices that
                    promote transgender inclusivity. As a lead-
                    ing voice in trans issues in singing, Hirner   As a follow-up to a session presented in 2022 about
        has presented her research at the 2023 National ACDA  group composition at the collegiate level, Dr. Steve Dan-
        Conference, 2022 Western ACDA Regional Conference,  ielson breaks down the process of composing together as
        and 2023 World Symposium on Choral Music in Istan-  a class at the middle school level. Even beginning choral
        bul. Hirner is nearing the completion of her DMA in  students can find success in this project. Hear student
        choral music from the University of Southern California  perspectives about their experience moving from choos-
        and holds a BME from Auburn University and an MM  ing a class theme to completing and performing a fully-
        in choral conducting from the University of Missouri.  formed composition. Attendees will walk through every
                                                            step in detail in a way that will allow immediate applica-
                                                            tion in the classroom. He will talk about the challenges
                                                            of the project and ways to improve it in the future.
                      A Garland of Madrigals:
                    The Music of Vittoria Aleotti                       Steve Danielson is  currently directing
                                                                        choirs at Mountain View High School in
                                                                        Meridian,  ID. He  earned  a DMA from
           Vittoria Aleotti was an Italian composer of the late         the  University of  Washington, an  MM
        Renaissance who was born around 1575 in Ferrara.                from the  University of Memphis, and a
        Her  1593 collection  of twenty-one  Italian  madrigals  BA from BYU. He spent five seasons as the conductor
        for four voices provides artful and accessible repertoire  and artistic director of the Ensign Symphony Chorus in
        options for high school, college, and community choirs.  Seattle, WA, and was previously the director of choirs at
        The short works are settings of texts by the popular Ital-  Jefferson Middle School in Olympia, WA (2020-2023).
        ian poet Giovanni Battista Guarini and feature secular  Danielson is also a composer with self-published works
        themes of love and longing. Attendees will receive free  and pieces published through Two Bridges Music Press.
        resources to facilitate the inclusion of this historical fe-  He hosts the podcast “Moveable Do,” where he inter-
        male  composer into curricula  and concert  programs.  views living composers about their lives and music.
        Participants will also sing through madrigals from this

                    Elizabeth Schauer serves as director  of            How Teaching Applied Voice
                    choral activities at the University of Ari-       Changed My Choral Rehearsals
                    zona, where she has received recognition
                    for her  innovative  and inclusive  curricu-
                    lar  approach. An  award-winning educa-   The session will focus on how teaching applied voice
        tor, Schauer  conducts  Symphonic  Choir and teaches  can inform and change three specific areas in choral re-
        graduate conducting and choral literature courses with  hearsals. It will give effective and practical ways to ap-
        a student-centered focus to an international population  proach breath support  and  healthy vocal  production
        of learners. Choirs under her direction have performed  within a rehearsal context. It will also explore rehearsal
        at  the  conferences of ACDA, College  Music  Society  methods that are commonly used by applied voice teach-
        (CMS), American Guild of Organists, and Arizona Mu-  ers to help their student’s placement, range, diction, and
        sic Educators. Former students are active as music edu-  tone color. Finally, it will examine how conducting ges-
        cators throughout the world.                        ture can better facilitate healthy singing. This session will

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            23
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