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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                             In t er est S essions
                                             Interest Sessions

         the personal cost of war (in his award-winning orato-          Presenting the ARI Project
         rio, But Who Shall Return Us Our Children? A Kipling Pas-         and Hyowon’s Music
         sion). He served as ACDA R&R Chair for Composers
         and Composition for the NW Region (2017-2022).
                                                              An  in-depth introduction to the  ARI project  and
                                                            the music of Hyowon Woo, contextualizing the music
                                                            presented at the final conference concert on Saturday
                                                            evening. Additionally, information will be presented on
                         The Power of Two:                  other compelling and important Korean choral reper-

           Developing Pianist and Conductor Collaboration   toire.

           This session will explore the benefits of building a  Hyowon Woo will be a clinician for this session. Her
         relationship between conductors and collaborative pia-  photo and bio are on page 8.
         nists from the perspectives of both pianist and conduc-
         tor. We will explore ways in which conductors can invite  MeeAe Nam will  be  a  clinician for  this session.  Her
         pianists into a collaborative relationship; techniques to   photo and bio are on page 8.
         help  pianists pedagogically  assist  choirs in rehearsal
         and performance; how a conductor can “think  like”
         and talk efficiently to their collaborative pianist; how a
         pianist can “think like” a conductor; how gesture posi-          Supporting Teachers:
         tively and negatively communicates with your pianist;   Success Strategies for America’s Title I Musicians
         and what this relationship looks like in rehearsal. At-
         tendees will participate as a choir led by Geoffrey and
         Amy Boers. Conductors and pianists are encouraged to   Nearly half of public schools in the United States
         attend together.                                   qualify  for  Title  I  funding.  Title  I  support  is  offered
                                                            when at least 40% of the student population within a
                   Amy Boers is  a well-known collaborative   school comes from low-income families. Children af-
                   artist in the Puget Sound region. She is af-  fected by poverty are at a higher risk for emotional and
                   filiate artist at Pacific Lutheran University   social challenges, cognitive lags, and health and safety
                   and principal keyboard with  Symphony    stressors. Choral  educators nurture  student  success
                   Tacoma Orchestra and Voices. She is not-  with meaningful  repertoire  and an environment  that
         ed for her ability to anticipate what conductors want   helps improve cognitive function, social and life skills,
         and assess what singers need to be successful.     and quality of life. Understanding the effects of and
                                                            practicing success strategies for our Title I musicians
                   Geoffrey Boers began conducting in the   are vital to their success.
                   Pacific Northwest in 1977 and enjoys work-
                   ing with choirs and pianists of all levels and       Katy Green is a doctoral student in choral
                   abilities. Geoffrey and Amy are co-directors         conducting at Michigan State University.
                   of music at Grace Lutheran in Des Moines.            She is the conductor of Campus Choir,
         They have learned richly from each other, and work to          an undergraduate ensemble at MSU, and
         create a unified, powerful, pedagogical “gift” for choirs.     regularly clinics, conducts, and adjudi-
                                                            cates middle and high school choral ensembles. Green
                                                            began her teaching career at West High School and
                                                            Romig Middle  School in Anchorage, Alaska. Upon

        26      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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