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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                          Spokane, Washington

                                             Interest Sessions
                                             In t er est S essions

        focus on ways to incorporate these methods within rep-  assistant at the UO, she taught concert choir and cho-
        ertoire to maximize effective rehearsals for all types of   ral methods at Southern Oregon University and was
        choirs.                                             director of choirs at North Medford High School. She
                                                            has given presentations on vocal health for music edu-
                    Andrew Robinette is an associate profes-  cators (Oregon MEA conference, University of Ore-
                    sor of music at South Dakota State Uni-  gon C-NAfME, Bethel School district).
                    versity, where he teaches conducting, cho-
                    ral methods, applied voice, and conducts
                    multiple  choirs. He has  presented  his
        research in more than two dozen conference sessions          Love, Understanding, Positivity:
        including national conferences of ACDA, NCCO, and          Tenets for Building a Choral Program
        MTNA. His  publication placements  include  Choral
        Journal, Anacrusis, The Choral Scholar, and American Choral
        Review. Robinette’s choirs have performed at the Cana-  A successful  choral program fosters  an energized,
        dian Museum for Human Rights and state conferenc-   inclusive, and safe culture and merges the director’s vi-
        es. He is the former president of South Dakota NATS.   sion, core values, and style with the synergy and tan-
        His voice students have won state competitions for both   gible realities of the students served. To achieve this,
        MTNA and NATS.                                      one must rely upon five tenets to innovate the choral
                                                            program and support, motivate, and welcome all stu-
                                                            dents. Dr. Eric Posada will share strategies  that are
                                                            diverse and relatable to educators of all levels. Topics
                     Into the Great Unknown:                include articulating a clear philosophy; building a pro-
           Strategies and Resources for First-Year Teachers   gram around core values; creating innovative themed
                                                            rehearsals; participating in meaningful bonding activi-
                                                            ties; learning each learner; selecting engaging, artistic
           This  session  will  offer  strategies  and  resources  for   repertoire; inviting trust and empathy, and maximizing
        navigating  the  first  year  of  teaching  from  educators   student potential via love, understanding, and positiv-
        with experience in choir, instrumental, and general mu-  ity.
        sic at all age levels. Topics will include communication/
        scheduling  practices,  “hacks”  for  effective  classroom      Eric Posada serves as director of choral
        routines, recruitment and retention, low-cost online re-        activities at Angelo State University and
        sources, tips for building understanding, empathy and           founder/artistic  director  of Pasión  and
        rapport with colleagues and students, and much more.            the San Angelo Chorus. Previously, Posa-
        Research-based and trauma-informed self-care tech-              da held academic appointments at the
        niques will be included to address the needs of first-  University of North Carolina Charlotte, Tyler Junior
        year  teachers. Time  for  questions will  be  prioritized   College, Texas A&M University, and Texas Tech Uni-
        so attendees can ask for advice specific to their goals/  versity. He has presented interest sessions for twenty-
        concerns.                                           four regional and state music conferences. His profes-
                                                            sional chorus, Pasión, won third place in The American
                    Kendra  Taylor is  a PhD candidate  in   Prize for two categories—Choral Performance and the
                    music education at the University of Or-  Performance of American Music—and performed the
                    egon. She holds an MA in teaching and   2021 Texas Choral Directors Association Conference.
                    a BM from Southern Oregon University.
                    She holds an Oregon K-12 teaching li-
        cense (music). Before working as a graduate teaching

        24      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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