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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

                         11 - 12 Grade TB                             Children and Community Youth

                    Rosephanye  Powell, coordinator  of                 Emily Ellsworth has conducted all-state
                    voice studies and conductor of the wom-             choirs  and prestigious festivals across
                    en’s chorus at  Auburn University, is a             thirty US states, as well as honor choirs
                    frequent presenter, adjudicator, and clini-         for  ACDA regions.  Her  global  appear-
                    cian at national and international confer-          ances include directing festival choirs in
        ences and festivals. Powell conducts all-state and honor   various countries and presenting for national choral
        choirs across the United States and has led choirs in   directors in Brazil.  In academia,  Ellsworth  contrib-
        Italy, Australia, and the UK. She has been hailed as   uted to Luther College’s choral faculty, conducted the
        one of America’s premier women composers of cho-    Elmhurst University  Concert Choir, and lectured at
        ral music and her works are published by leading pub-  Northwestern University. She served as artistic director
        lishers suxh as Hal Leonard, Gentry Publications, and   of Anima-Glen Ellyn Children’s Chorus for over two
        Oxford University Press. Her compositions have been   decades. Accolades  include the  2014 Tribute  Award
        performed  in prestigious  venues, including Carnegie   from Chicago A Cappella and 2013 ASCAP award for
        Hall and Lincoln Center, and have been premiered by   Adventurous Programming from Chorus America. She
        celebrated conductors and professional ensembles.   holds vocal performance degrees from Macalester Col-
                                                            lege and the University of Southern California.

                                  Northwestern Region Registration Information

                                         Register at

                                        Attendee $255   Retired $190  Student $80

                                      Registration after 11:59 PM CST January 4, 2024

                                       Attendee $285   Retired $225  Student $100

                                             Two-day Registration Options

                                      Music in Worship $175   Children & Youth $175

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            33
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