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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                               onor C
                                             Honor Choir Conductors
                                                       hoir C
                            6 - 8 Grade                                      9 - 12 Grade Jazz

                    Rollo Dilworth is vice dean and professor           Jennifer  Barnes, a  renowned  vocalist,
                    of choral music education in the depart-            educator, and arranger, is  a professor of
                    ment of music education and therapy at              music  at the University  of North Texas
                    Temple  University’s  Center  for the Per-          (UNT), and directs Vocal Jazz Studies and
                    forming and Cinematic Arts in Philadel-             the award-winning UNT Jazz Singers. She
         phia, PA. Prior to his position with Boyer College, he   has conducted music festivals across sixteen states and
         taught music education and was the director of choral   taught  at  Jamey Aebersold Jazz Camps. She  received
         activities for thirteen years at North Park University in   the  2016 Jazz Education  Achievement  Award from
         Chicago. Dilworth’s contributions extend to conduct-  DownBeat  Magazine. Previously  based in Los Angeles,
         ing the Temple  University Singing  Owls Campus/   her voice is featured in films (e.g., Wall-E, Star Trek), TV
         Community Chorus, leading the Singing City Choir,   (“Glee”), and advertising campaigns. Barnes’s acclaimed
         and conducting the  School District of Philadelphia   solo jazz recording is “You Taught My Heart.” She is a
         High School All-City Chorus. He is a prolific composer   member of Vertical Voices, a professional vocal group.
         and arranger, with over 200 published choral works.   Barnes holds degrees from the University of Miami and
                                                            Western Michigan University.

                         9 - 10 Grade SATB
                                                                             11 - 12 Grade SA

                    Jace Kaholokula Saplan (they/he) is  the
                    director of choral activities and associate         Jonathan Talberg  serves  as  director  of
                    professor of music learning and teach-              choral activities at the Bob Cole Conser-
                    ing and choral conducting  at Arizona               vatory, where he is conductor of the inter-
                    State University. They oversee the gradu-           national award-winning Bob Cole Conser-
         ate program in choral conducting, conduct the ASU              vatory  Chamber  Choir and the  CSULB
         Concert Choir, and teach courses blending decolonial   University Choir. His choirs have shared the stage with
         and critical theories with vocal practice. Saplan is an   diverse groups from the Kronos Quartet to the Rolling
         Obama Asia-Pacific Leader, focusing on equity-driven   Stones. Talberg conducts honor choirs nationwide and
         choral arts. They serve as a DEIAB consultant for orga-  has taken his choirs to global venues, including the Sis-
         nizations like Choral Arts Northwest, and The Phoenix   tine Chapel and the Great Hall of the People in China.
         Chamber Choir. As a Kanaka Maoli advocate, artist,   Talberg serves as director of music at the First Congre-
         and culture bearer, Saplan leads the Nā Wai Chamber   gational Church  of Los  Angeles and the Los  Angeles
         Choir, preserving Hawaiian choral music.           Bach Festival, and as an editor at Pavane Music Publish-
                                                            ing. His proudest role is mentoring the next generation
                                                            of choral musicians. He holds degrees from Chapman
                                                            University and the University of Cincinnati.

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