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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                            In t er est S essions
                                            Interest Sessions

         of singing together.  America sings in schools, in com-  emotional well-being. Dr. Tim Westerhaus will share
         munities, in concert halls, on the streets, in churches   practical  applications in rehearsal and performance,
         and synagogues, in prisons, in hospice centers, and   using choral music as a vehicle to foster self-awareness
         wherever hearts are moved to join in song.         and cultivate compassion. The session closes by experi-
                                                            encing a model of public, guided contemplation by in-
                                                            tegrating elements of live choral music, resilience skills,
                                                            and question-focused reflections to foster resilience and
                       Clinical Mental Health               compassion among audiences.
                     and the Choral Rehearsal
                                                            Timothy Westerhaus will be the clinician for this ses-
                                                            sion. His photo and bio are on page 9.
           The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated mental health
         issues for many people. With an emphasis on making             Gloria (I-Ling) Chien is an associate pro-
         mental health and wellness a priority and a shortage           fessor in the religious studies department
         of mental health professionals, it is not unusual to wait      at  Gonzaga University, specializing in
         months to receive counseling in a clinical setting, es-        Asian religions and Buddhist meditation.
         pecially for underserved populations and those in ru-          Inspired by her research on the Tibetan
         ral areas. The purpose of this session is to introduce,   Buddhist lojong (mind training) tradition, she became
         demonstrate, and discuss  evidence-based  techniques   a  certified  instructor  in  the  Cognitively-Based  Com-
         through  which conductor-teachers can optimize  op-  passion Training® contemplation program developed
         portunities to augment the mental health and wellness   at Emory University.
         of all  people  in rehearsal settings. Participants  will
         leave the session with techniques they can use upon
         returning to their choral rehearsals.
                                                                              Flexible Fach:
                    Sarah Graham has been  conducting
                    choirs for over thirty years. She is an as-     Gender-Affirming Singing Pedagogy
                    sociate professor of music at Lewis-Clark       through Science-Informed Practices
                    State College in Lewiston, Idaho, and is
                    working toward a master’s degree in clin-  In this interactive session, attendees will be invited
         ical mental health counseling.                     to sing and discuss vocal exercises from a new proto-
                                                            col developed by the presenter that focuses on help-
                                                            ing transgender and gender-expansive (TGE) singers
                                                            produce an aural aesthetic that better aligns with their
                  Contemplation and Choral Music            gender identity. Created through an understanding of
                        for Self-Resilience                 the gendered associations and vocal characteristics of
                                                            common Fach categories and voice classifications, this
                                                            protocol  synthesizes  practices  from  gender-affirming
           Explore  compassionate  meditation  resources and   speech-language  pathology  (SLP)  with  source-filter
         practices to build self-resilience as a choral conductor   theory and science-informed vocal pedagogy to pres-
         and to  promote  well-being  in rehearsal and perfor-  ent  a  healthy  gender-affirming  practice  routine  for
         mance settings. During this hands-on contemplation   TGE singers who are seeking to masculinize or femi-
         session, Dr. Gloria Chien will teach practical and easy-  nize their voices.
         to-implement mind and body skills that can improve

        22      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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