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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

        teaches choral methods and conducting. He earned his              Building Relationships,
        DMA in choral conducting at Louisiana State Univer-              Community, and Rapport
        sity, MM in choral conducting from Northern Arizona
        University, and BA in vocal performance/music edu-
        cation from Luther College. Prior to his time at WSU,   Building relationships is something we do every year.
        he taught choir at The American International School   With these fun games and activities, your groups will
        of Muscat in Oman; Boylan Catholic High School in   become more connected and they will have fun in the
        Rockford, Illinois; and the University of Alabama. He   process! Once students know how to play these games,
        conducts the Palouse Choral Society and co-hosts the   they can easily be used for sub plans and time fillers.
        Choir Fam Podcast.                                  These activities also make great competition and can
                                                            be used as formative and summative assessments.

                                                                        Cassie  Horner is currently  director  of
                           Breathwork:                                  choirs at Les Bois Junior High in the Boise
               Stress Relief for Directors and Singers                  School District. She graduated from Ida-
                                                                        ho State University in 2012 and earned
                                                                        a masters in educational leadership from
           This  interactive  session  will provide participants   Boise State University in 2016. Horner is in her elev-
        with a breathwork experience led through a trauma-in-  enth year teaching and her fifth year at Les Bois Junior
        formed lens and provide tools for use in their personal   High. Her top group, Improv, was selected to perform
        lives, careers, and with singers to reduce anxiety, relieve   at the 2019 fall In-Service Idaho ACDA Conference
        stress, and be more present. Breath can ward off burn-  and at the 2023 Idaho Music Educators Conference.
        out, mitigate challenging behaviors, and supercharge   She has enjoyed performing with the Boise Women’s
        energy. This session will include a list of various breath   Chorus and in the choir at Cathedral of the Rockies.
        patterns that can energize, relax, and reset both direc-
        tors and choirs. Breathwork is proven to lower blood
        pressure along with a host of other physical, mental,
        and psychological benefits. This session will be led by          Choral Singing in America:
        certified  trauma-informed  breathwork  facilitator,  en-       Nurturing the Country's Soul
        ergy healer, and NWACDA DEI Chair Brenda Winkle.                  Special Film Screening

                    Brenda Winkle is a choral music educa-
                    tor with twenty-six years  of experience            Jerry Blackston, artistic director
                    across  all  levels. Winkle has  taught  in      Emily Ellsworth, conductor & advisor
                    rural, suburban, and urban settings and                 Brian Gukel, filmmaker
                    understands  the pressures facing  music         Matthew Workman, executive producer
        educators and their students. She currently serves as
        NWACDA DEI Chair. In 2022 she pivoted to bring         Choral Singing in America is a visual representation of
        healing to teachers, parents, and students by bringing   the  breadth  and depth  of choral  singing today. The
        in breathwork healing to schools. In her business she   film beautifully tells the myriad stories and sounds of
        supports highly sensitive people, over-achievers, perfec-              American choral  singers and
        tionists, people pleasers, and empaths (musicians)  set                leader—stories that inspire, build
        boundaries, protect their energy, and heal their nervous               community, foster hope, and
        systems. She lives in the Portland Metro Area in Bea-                  showcase the  tremendous social
        verton, Oregon.                                                        capital  and community  building

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            21
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