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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                           Spokane, Washington

                                             Encounter Choirs
                                                        er C
        pella settings. High demands of excellence are placed   ing the University Choir and Orchestra, and teaching
        on this group, and the students are outstanding ambas-  conducting. Miller holds a BME in piano from Oklaho-
        sadors for the Lord, NNU, and music.                ma Baptist University, along with a master’s degree and
                                                            a DMA in conducting from the University of Oklaho-
                    Philip Miller currently serves as the chair   ma. His ensembles travel regularly and are known for
                    of the department of music at Northwest   having a dynamic and uplifting presence along with a
                    Nazarene University, where his duties in-  warm choral tone.
                    clude  administration,  recruiting, direct-

                                             2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                                   est S
                                             Interest Sessions
                         And We’re Back...                  ACDA and NAfME conferences. She is the conductor
                  Now... Teach Them How to Sing!            of Chor Anno and was the founding conductor of the
                                                            Santa Barbara Gay Men’s Chorus. She is a past presi-
                                                            dent of Northwestern ACDA.
           We are rebuilding programs and skills in these years
         following the pandemic. This session reviews and so-
         lidifies vocal technique for building choral tone in the
         ensemble, from middle school through collegiate set-                Breaking the Ice:
         tings. In a completely interactive session, we will ex-
         plore and remember basic tenants of beautiful choral   Building Respectful Culture in the Choral Program
         tone and technique: breath flow, vowel formation, spa-
         cious tone, high resonance placement, and confident   Since ensemble music making is inherently project-
         and committed  singing. Participants will experience   based, it is essential for students to operate healthily as a
         the “voice lesson” that might be the front matter of a   team as they reach their common goals. Team building
         choral rehearsal, and how to identify and correct vocal   in retreats as well as in class time will ensure that students
         development challenges. Additionally, we will explore   work together respectfully. These enjoyable activities are
         how to change vocal tone to match repertoire.      pivotal to instructional needs because of their correla-
                                                            tion to the National Core Arts Standards and National
                    Nicole C. Lamartine serves as the direc-  Institute for Excellence in Teaching Rubric. In this pre-
                    tor of choirs at Central Washington Uni-  sentation, attendees will engage in various team-building
                    versity and is passionate  about  creating   activities designed to build community, create a healthy
                    innovative, engaging, and diverse choral   environment and respectful culture, and pave the way
                    experiences to positively impact the next   for student ownership in the choral ensemble.
         generation of choral musicians. She served previously
         on the faculties of the University of California, San-         Matthew Myers serves as  associate  di-
         ta Barbara, and the University of Wyoming. She has             rector  of choral  activities  at Washington
         conducted numerous all-state and international honor           State  University, where  he conducts  the
         choirs, and appeared with her own choirs at regional           University Singers and Treble Choir and

        20      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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