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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024                                      Spokane, Washington

        community to bring inspiration, innovation, and im-  instrumentalist and lifelong singer currently in the alto
        pact to your choirs.                                section of the Oregon Repertory Singers and the com-
                                                            poser-in-residence  for  the  Oregon  Repertory Singers
               Oregon Repertory Singers Youth Choir         Youth Choir. Her music for choirs, chamber ensembles,
                                                            soloists, and orchestras has been performed across North
                                                            America. She is the proprietor of Sirensong Publishing,
                                                            the primary distributor of her work.

                                                                      University Choir and Orchestra:

                                                                          Repertoire and Impact

                                                              The University Choir and Orchestra is a public rela-
                                                            tions ensemble for the university. Along with great classi-
           The Oregon Repertory Singers Youth Choir serves   cal repertoire, many composers today are arranging for
        over  160 young singers in three  locations (Inner SE   choir with the addition of orchestra. This session will ex-
        Portland, Beaverton, and Vancouver) with a growing   plore the dynamic impact of this type of ensemble along
        staff of passionate educators. We meet singers in their   with the challenges it poses in logistics such as travel, set-
        communities, providing music education, literacy skills,   up, and needed sound reinforcement. The performance
        and mountaintop musical experiences. Artistic Direc-  portion of the program will feature hymn arrangements,
        tor Aubrey Patterson actively partners with area school   gospel, and classical repertoire.
        programs as a choir clinician and sight-reading special-
                                                                      Northwest Nazarene University
                    Aubrey Patterson (she/her)  taught  for                Choir and Orchestra
                    twelve  years as a  director  of  choirs in
                    Oregon public high schools. She is cur-
                    rently the artistic director for the Oregon
                    Repertory Singers Youth Choir in Port-
        land, as well as the director of Voces Auream at Lewis
        and Clark. Patterson’s Oregon high school programs
        have earned five state championships. Patterson enjoys
        adjudicating, clinician work, and premiering new and
        commissioned  works  with her ensembles. She enjoys
        the outdoors, being in water in any capacity, and ad-
        ventures with her partner, Nathan; goldendoodle, Zoey   Northwest Nazarene University Choir and Orchestra
        Jane; and new addition, Silas William.              is one of our lead ensembles for music in the churches
                                                            and fulfills the role of public relations for NNU. Under
                    Stacey Philipps writes  music to  share   the direction of Dr. Philip Miller, this ensemble features
                    the thrill of creation, collaboration, and   over 100 students from a wide variety of majors across
                    performance  influenced  by  modal  har-  the campus. They perform extensively throughout the
                    monies, folk songs, hymns, shape note   region and internationally. Their dynamic concerts fea-
                    music,  and the melodic and rhythmic    ture music from hymn settings, contemporary Christian,
        elements of the world around her. Philipps is a multi-  gospel, classical choral/orchestral repertoire, and a cap-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            19
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