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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference                                       January 24-27, 2024                                                          Spokane, Washington

                                             Encounter Choirs
                                                        er C
                       s"I Am a Musician!"                  field of choral music, we aspire to shape our commu-
                 Fostering a Child's Artistic Identity      nity by fostering empowered skill development, com-
                                                            munity unity, and empathy in young people. We aim
           The children who first experienced choral singing   to create a world where choral music is a catalyst for
        on Zoom fill the ranks of children’s choirs today. Pa-  making new connections, promoting personal growth,
        cific  Youth  Choir’s  Nova  2  singers  and  Kendra  Kay   and embracing positive change.
        Friar, conductor and Oregon’s 2021 Outstanding El-
        ementary Music Educator, lead an interactive session            Kendra Kay Friar, associate  conductor,
        celebrating and highlighting the educational needs of           directs Nova 1 and 2 Choirs (Grades
        today’s youngest choristers. Children’s inability to ex-        K-5)  and  supervises PYC’s Neighbor-
        perience live performances at a formative age led to            hood Choir Program serving multiple
        gaps in knowledge that had to be addressed in each              public schools. She  received Oregon
        rehearsal cycle. PYC focused on rebuilding community   MEA’s 2021 Excellence in Elementary Music Educa-
        alongside individual artistry. The presentation will in-  tion Award. She is a current member of NAfME’s Di-
        clude a “buddy bench” activity and sharing time for   versity Committee and a frequent speaker at national,
        participants. Selections include “Three Rhymes, Set 1”   regional, and music education conferences. She recent-
        by Paul Bouman (earthsongs) and “Zol Zain Sholem”   ly presented two NAfME Academy webinars highlight-
        arr. by Joshua Jacobson (World Music Press).        ing curricular uses for the music of Scott Joplin and
                                                            Margaret Bonds. Her work as a collaborative pianist
                    Pacific Youth Choir Nova 2              appears  on Portland  Phoenix Chamber  Choir’s  up-
                                                            coming world premiere recording of the piano-vocal
                                                            setting of Margaret Bonds’ Credo (Especially Do I Believe:
                                                            The Music of  Margaret Bonds, Centaur Records, 2023).

                                                                        Think Choral, Shop Local!
                                                                    Commissioning in Your Community

                                                              Working with a local composer creates meaningful,
                                                            relevant, engaging, personal  experiences for singers;
                                                            builds  community  beyond  the choir; exposes  singers
                                                            to creatives working in their own town; and can offer
           In 2003, with talent,  conviction, and enthusiasm,   unique, collaborative musical experiences. This  en-
        Mia Hall Miller  (Savage)  and a small team  of dedi-  counter choir session will demonstrate the breadth of
        cated musicians started two youth choirs: one for elite   projects Oregon Repertory Singers Youth Choir and
        treble singers and one for high school students. Today’s   composer-in-residence  Stacey Philipps have  created
        PYC comprises nine resident choirs, an alumni choir,   over the last two seasons while rebuilding the choirs.
        and multiple neighborhood choirs supervised by new   This session will also give practical advice on finding
        artistic director, Chris Maunu, and associate conduc-  local  composers and  commissioning  everything from
        tors, Amber Schroeder (Grades 6-8) and Kendra Kay   the simplest song to extended, rich, long-term projects.
        Friar (Grades K-5).                                 This will include the nuts-and-bolts of contracts, de-
           Pacific Youth Choir strives to be the benchmark for   posits, and deadlines. Hear  examples  while  learning
        choral excellence in the Pacific Northwest. Beyond the   how to  harness the  strengths  and skills in your  own

        18      CHORAL JOURNAL   January 2024                                                  Volume 64  Number 5
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