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2024 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference           January 24-27, 2024


                                                                 CHAMBER CHOIR
                  Westside Christian High School
                          Concert Choir                                 &  CHORAL

                                                                            JEFFREY DOUMA
                                                               Marshall Bartholomew Professor in the Practice of Choral Music
                                                                             Yale School of Music

                                                                            FELICIA BARBER
                                                                       Associate Professor of Choral Conducting
                                                                          Yale Institute of Sacred Music

           The Westside Christian High School Concert Choir
        is a fifty-voice choir from a small, private high school
        in Tigard, OR, with 280 students. Westside does not
        have a graded choir program; it simply welcomes any
        student desiring to sing. A small, auditioned class (Soli
        Deo Gloria) and a non-auditioned class (Westside Voic-
        es, 35-40 members) meet in separate classes, with the
        combined Concert  Choir  coming together  on select
        days before school. Despite these limitations, the choir   AUGUST 11–18, 2024
        program has enjoyed numerous awards and honors, in-
        cluding performing at OMEA on several occasions and    A WEEK-LONG WORKSHOP for
                                                               advanced choral conductors and singers
        capturing  fifteen  consecutive  OSAA  3A  Choir  State
        Championships!                                         All sessions and final concert are VIDEO
                                                               and AUDIO RECORDED
                    Will  Fox has  taught  thirteen  years  at   Conductors have the opportunity to
                    Westside  Christian  High School  in Ti-   CONDUCT CHORAL and INSTRUMENTAL
                    gard, Oregon. He  directs all  music  at
                    the school. His choirs have won the Or-    REPERTOIRE from the Renaissance
                                                               to the 21st century
                    egon 3A Choir State Championship for
        the past eleven consecutive years and numerous vocal   LOCATED on the grounds of a
        jazz festivals. Fox started the Concert Band program   historic estate in the Litchfield Hills
                                                               of northwestern Connecticut
        in 2016, capturing four consecutive Oregon 3A Band
        State  Championships. He  directs  the  Oregon  Sen-                                APPLICATION
        ateAires barbershop chorus in Salem; owns a private                                March 14, 2024
        music studio, Music at Will; and serves as an ORAC-
        DA Repertoire and Resources board member and is a
        certified choral judge in Oregon.

                                                                               NORFOLK CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL
                                                                                 YALE SUMMER SCHOOL OF MUSIC
                                                                                YALE INSTITUTE OF SACRED MUSIC

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            17
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